The EU became The UK’s biggest nightmare in contemporary history because of two events. by G Squared 29/10/19 Firstly: It was taken into the trap through The Common Market, which would naturally creep and power maximize into The EU under, the dictatorship of appointed and unelected, unaccountable and non-transparent Commissioners. […]

Surely you’ve noticed? Like flipping a switch, it’s “global protests time”. Can’t be a coincidence surely? Plenty of muttering about the Usual Suspects: Soros, the Illuminati, the Deep State etc. And quite rightly so. Various interests and players are pulling the levers behind the curtain. Although the Western media seem […]

A U.S. Senator called for an end to facial recognition in airports due to lack of oversight on the technology. Meanwhile, facial recognition is spreading across the U.S. in schools everywhere according to a report. By Aaron Kesel Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., brought up several issues with facial recognition technologies […]

Although largely speculative at the moment, the silence does seem to indicate something might be afoot. One can only hope the Trump administration is weighing up the evidence and risks associated with 5G. MH American opposition to 5G increases every day.  Lawsuits continue to be filed against it (see 1, […]

A wealth of fascinating commentary on the geopolitical situation from the ever perceptive G Squared! A civil war fuelled by India, is pending in Bangladesh, where tens of millions will die. Prime Minister Sheikh Hansina, daughter of Mujibar Rahman, has unilaterally, with the connivance of President Abdul Hamid, signed three […]

And so it begins… In a letter to House Democratic leaders, the White House counsel, Pat A. Cipollone, called the House’s impeachment inquiry illegitimate, saying the administration will not cooperate unless until the House votes to open an investigation. Here is the full text: THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October […]
