zugzwang[ tsook-tsvahng ]noun Chess. a situation in which a player is limited to moves that cost pieces or have a damaging positional effect. by Martin Harris 3/8/19 An extraordinary situation is taking place in Hong Kong. Handed back to China in 1997 after many years of British Colonial rule, Hong […]
Comparing the treatment of Jeffrey Epstein to Ramsey Orta, the man who filmed Eric Garner’s murder, reveals the grotesque inequality at the heart of American society. There’s one set of rules for the rich, and an entirely different set for the poor. Hide Out Now – Jul 2019 Late Wednesday […]
Is Roberts correct in singling out the Democrats as the “bad guys”, or is this the same old diversionary two-party, one controller illusion? Paul Craig Roberts – paulcraigroberts.org July 25, 2019 Earlier today I posted my comments with links to the congressional questioning of Mueller about his report that, despite […]
On Wednesday, Project Veritas released a video interview of a Google senior software engineer coming forward to sound the alarm over the impact of political bias at the search engine giant. Within a few hours, Google placed the engineer on administrative leave. By James Barrett July 25, 2019 “Greg Coppola, […]
‘The Squad’ is the term to which the four FemDem Gynocratic arrogant, ignorant buffoons refer to themselves. Sen. John Kennedy (Dem turned GOP) refers to them as The Four Horsewomen of The Apocalypse, and the reason why detailed instructions need to appear on shampoo bottles. by G Squared 24/7/19 They […]
The British counterpart of Yale’s Skull and Bones? Oxford University’s Bullingdon Club has spawned a rogue’s gallery of Elite movers and shakers over the years, and has a dark reputation. Now an embarrassment to many of the luminaries posing in self-important swagger, we thought this was an apt moment to […]
“Never assume anything” could be a lesson for these students! MH Cabot PhillipsCampus ReformThu, 18 Jul 2019 19:39 UTC President Donald Trump announced that he would use ICE to track down and deport illegal aliens who have been convicted of a crime. The move prompted outrage from many on the […]
Three brothers have received up to £500,000 in legal aid after raping children in Rotherham – while dozens of their victims have yet to receive any compensation. Emma R. – Voice of Europe July 19, 2019 Three brothers have received up to £500,000 in legal aid after raping children in […]
NZ PM Jacinda Ardern’s Australian visit has made an impression, but perhaps not the one she was hoping for, at least if the MSM reports are anything to go by. Martin Harris 22/7/19 First her Defense Force jet breaks down, necessitating a trip to Melbourne by commercial flight, then a […]
The British government is planning a new initiative which will aim to help schoolchildren distinguish real information from ‘fake news’ — in an eyebrow-raising move which could be described as a little bit Orwellian. RT – July 15, 2019 British Secretary of State for Education Damian Hinds unveiled the new […]