There’s a definite political party strategy, or dichotomy, regarding illegal immigration. Nothing proves that more definitively than the video below wherein then-Democrat-Party President Bill Clinton told the Nation, in a speech before Congress, almost the same remarks about illegal immigrants which now-Republican-Party President Donald J. Trump says concerning illegal immigration. […]
The third and final part of my exploration of what may be hidden behind the UFO disinformation theatre. By Martin Harris The Ball, the Bell, and the Acorn Part One of this blog concentrated heavily on Robert Lazar and his Area 51/S4 story. Whilst I came to the conclusion that […]
I would like to think it was a notice announcing Judgement Day for the Elite Bloodline families. Now that would be a way to bring in the New Year! A Fine analysis by Seething Frog… GHWB FUNERAL – THE ENVELOPE AFFAIR Seething Frog Published on Dec 24, 2018 The nuances of the GHWB Funeral – the Main Players – Early Cordiality […]
Editor’s note: These two communications from our valued contributor, G Squared, make some sensational and extraordinary claims. But then, G Squared has access to many “insider” sources, so take heed, these are the writings of a well-informed individual! And, as always, do your research and “Think For Yourself”. I usually […]
Watch and learn, guys: Ben Shapiro, forget whether or not you actually like him or not, is a master of argument and debate, as this student quickly finds out! True Liberty Published on Dec 10, 2018 Ben Shapiro in an awesome q&a. News & Politics
Russia: Watch Successful Public Test-Launch of Avangard Hypersonic Missile Sputnik Published on Dec 26, 2018 “On Wednesday, the Russian Defense Ministry, on instruction from Russian President Vladimir Putin, successfully test-fired the Avangard missile equipped with a hypersonic winged glider unit.” Martin Comments: Perhaps my Interocitor needs retuning, but I seem […]
Well, this one woke everyone up: Republicans, Dems, friends and foes alike are all doing double-takes, but while most US MSM sources seem to miss the “plot”, Al Jazeera considers some likely factors in Trump’s shock announcement: Declaration of ISIL defeat in Syria and pulling out of troops angers top […]
How does the West get away with its pretense of being an alliance of great democracies in which government is the servant of the people? Paul Craig Roberts Nowhere in the West, except possibly Hungary and Austria, does government serve the people. Who do the Western governments serve? Washington serves […]
We are the Little Folk-we!Too little to love or to hate.Leave us alone and you’ll seeHow we can drag down the State!-A Pict Song, Rudyard Kipling Philip M. GiraldiStrategic Culture FoundationFri, 14 Dec 2018 Belgium has joined the list of countries that are rebelling against their elected leadership. Over the […]
A federal judge in Texas has ruled that the healthcare law known as Obamacare is unconstitutional – a ruling that opposition Democrats quickly vowed to appeal. Agence France-Presse 15 December 2018 US District Judge Reed O’Connor’s decision came on the eve of a Saturday deadline to sign up for 2019 coverage in […]