With Thanks to Pam Vernon of envirowatchrangitikei: https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/2017/08/21/12-days-before-08-crash-congress-was-secretly-told-to-sell-off-their-stocks/ From dailyalternative.co.uk Earlier this month, it was reported that less than two weeks before the economic collapse of 2008, several members of Congress took their money out of the stock market. Many high ranking government employees were given a heads-up about the […]
From Rose at thecontrail.com https://thecontrail.com/forum/topics/why-was-this-crowd-hire-company-recruiting-25-an-hour-political-a August 17, 2017 Trump ignited a political firestorm during an impromptu press conference in which he said there was “blame on both sides” for the tragic events that occurred in Charlottesville over the weekend. Now, the discovery of a craigslist ad posted last Monday, almost a […]
Dinesh D’Souza on the hidden history Democrats want to ignore There’s no reason for Charlottesville, Virginia, and other Southern cities to remove statues like that of Robert E. Lee as long as racist Democrats continue to be honored throughout the country, contends Dinesh D’Souza, author of the sensational historical expose “The Big […]
Bill Chappell, The Two-Way. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reviewed his military’s plans to rain “an enveloping fire” around the U.S. territory of Guam — but opted not to fire missiles at this time, according to state media. Despite the stand-down, some Guamanians were alarmed after two radio stations […]
In a truly bizarre bit of news, a minor political spat has erupted into claims of major political sabotage down-under! It all boils down to Blue Team Vs. Red Team: https://www.onenewspage.com/n/World/75edq130g/Malcolm-Turnbull-accuses-New-Zealand-Labour-of-conspiracy.htm Firstly; Should the Aussie Government really be making these claims a few weeks out from a New Zealand election? […]
https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/national/australia-threatens-nz-labour-party-over-citizenship-scandal/ar-AAq7OGb?li=AAaeXZz&ocid=spartanntp Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says it would be “very difficult to build trust” with Labour if they form a government after September’s election. After speaking to an acquaintance in the Australian Labor Party (ALP), Chris Hipkins put two Parliamentary questions to Internal Affairs Minister Peter Dunne about the citizenship of […]
Science Fiction Author Frank Herbert once remarked that politics and religion should never ride in the same car. Unfortunately, such a thing is the NWO ultimate goal. Check out this rather subjective and selectively creative use of Biblical verse to justify death and destruction. One wonders how this pastor “knows” that God […]
Counting down to the NZ general elections, suddenly things are getting interesting, thanks to Jacinda Arden and Light rail! Back in May last year, Labour announced it’s Light Rail plan in a “Fact Sheet” “Transport has concluded that light rail offers the best benefit to cost ratio, compared to heavy […]
”We do not seek a regime change, we do not seek the collapse of the regime, we do not seek an accelerated reunification of the peninsula, we do not seek an excuse to send our military north of the 38th parallel [the border with South Korea]. “But you are presenting […]
Trump’s Choices Paul Craig Roberts Donald Trump as President of the United States was humanity’s hope, or, I should say, the hope of that part of humanity aware of the danger inherent in provoking conflict between nuclear powers. For two decades, the Clinton, George W. Bush, and […]