How the MSM did a vanishing act with the Biden scandal Authored by J. Peder Zane via, The New York Times is incredible. Most journalists find it hard enough just to communicate what they know and how they know it in plain English. But Times reporters and editors go above […]
One of these puppeteers caught in the act of ventriloquism, the other drown out by the beautiful sound of free speech at work. Enjoy! MH Our first offering I could listen to all day long. Joe’s puppeteer Obama meets Karma. A beautiful moment captured for posterity. Obviously, the “ventriloquist’ lady […]
This woman is a cool-headed and exceptionally lucid communicator. Trump couldn’t have picked a better lawyer! 271,290 views Aug 6, 2023 #TrumpIndictment#AlinaHabba#DonaldTrump Watch more BlazeTV here: ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! ► Join BlazeTV!
Trump is going to jail. Again and again and again. here’s Hal Turner’s perspective, which given past history with Trump turning every attempt to thwart him to his advantage, is most likely to be correct. See NTD’s live coverage below and we’ll find out! Martin The Deep State and Democrat […]
Nuclear Armageddon is never far away from the news these days is it? Like the early 80s all over again. MH Andrew Osborne – Reuters July 30, 2023 Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who has sometimes raised the spectre of a nuclear conflict over Ukraine, said on Sunday that Moscow […]
Chloe Cole, a 19-year-old woman who was put through sex change procedures as a young teenager, told lawmakers Thursday on Capitol Hill that she was the victim of the “one of the biggest medical scandals” in American history. Leif Le Mahieu – The Daily Wire July 27, 2023 Cole made the comments during a […]
Alien disclosure. I always thought it would come with a special meeting of world leaders to solemnly make an earthshaking, life-changing announcement. Instead, it’s come with a few questionable whistleblowers and a resounding yawn. One gets the distinct impression this is the same old distraction game. What are they distracting […]
Legal analyst Jonathan Turley appeared on Fox News on Wednesday to explain how Democratic New York Rep. Daniel Goldman “demolished” President Joe Biden’s claim that he was not involved in Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings. Brianna LymanThe Daily CallerWed, 26 Jul 2023 Turley was asked to explain his recent piece […]
Kamala’s in the Krap!”Reduce population”? Freudian slip, test of public response, or “miss-speak”? What do you think? Whatever she really meant to say, it seems the applause from the audience means her adoring followers approve of the depopulation solution!
Winston Peters, in 2021, stood as critic of the Labour government for too slow a vaccine rollout. A year later he walked unmasked among the freedom protestors at NZ parliament. Where does he stand now? opinion by Martin Harris 24/7/23 This was a question put forth by Uncensored Magazine ed. […]