Borne out of my frustration from not being heard, I published the following open letter to Jacinda Ardern on my Facebook page. Annabelle via the BFD Online and by email, I have asked MOH and Unite Against COVID 19 questions but have not received answers regarding reporting on deaths and […]

Celebrate every victory and build on it, people! Here’s an encouraging update from Rebel News on the draconian punishment of activist Pastor Artur Pawlowski: ► | Help fund the fight for Pastor Artur’s civil liberties Ezra Levant shares news of a huge legal win: the Alberta Court of Appeal has […]

One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson will withhold support for all government legislation unless the Prime Minister backs her bill to stop vaccine mandates. Ms Hanson will introduce her legislation in the Senate tomorrow which seeks to make it unlawful to discriminate against Australians who choose not to be vaccinated against […]
