So far, this man has had a stellar record for accuracy. There’s no reason to doubt him now. If Trump were still President the Ukraine situation would have played out very differently. There would, I think, have been deals made without war or bloodshed (ie profits for the war-profiteers) and […]
MUST WATCH 2016 documentary. Educate yourself on the history behind current events in the Ukraine situation. Some VERY eye-opening revelations. Especially take note at 46:12 for the talk about then-vice president Joe Biden. And as usual, the involvement of George Soros.
Earlier this month Elon Musk, the CEO-founder and Chief Engineer at SpaceX – and CEO and Product Architect of Tesla – made a full takeover offer to buy the social media giant Twitter after having purchased 9.2 per cent just weeks before. Dr Muriel In a letter to Twitter’s […]
Just coincidence folks. Nothing to see here, don’t ask questions. Move along…MH Tyler DurdenZeroHedgeSat, 23 Apr 202 The bodies of two Russian oligarchs were found dead alongside their wives and children just one day apart, according to a handful of media reports. The first was Vladislav Avayev, formerly vice president of Gazprombank. […]
This is an epic read/watch on the Azovstal situation. Give yourself plenty of time to read as there’s a wealth of information here. Be warned: as noted on the videos there is some graphic content here not for squeamish. Martin Sitrep: Operation Z By Nightvision for the Saker Blog – […]
Must listen to this guy talk! Excellent info on the Azovstal, Ukraine situation. MH Russia offers Azovstal final chance to surrender. ‘Foreign fighter’ trials coming soon. Update 1 Alex Christoforou88.4K subscribers Russia offers Azovstal final chance to surrender. ‘Foreign fighter’ trials coming soon. Update 1 Topic 500
When Ashley Bloomfield and two other top Ministry of Health executives all resigned on the same day, a great many people wondered why that was. Well, now the truth bombs are starting to drop. by Cam Slater, the BFD It seems the most open and transparent government ever has been trying […]
Varying reports from the international Intel Community confirm that US-NATO-UN-Azov brigades continue the genocide in Ukraine, they commenced in 2014. by G Squared The attacks have been specifically against innocents as women and children, and in settings as schools, hospitals, and public transport. American propaganda media has pushed the false […]
Clearly no intelligent life forms detected in this galactic sector! Thanks to Jon Eisen for finding this treasure. MH CAPTAIN KIRK MEETS JOE BIDEN (Star Trek Parody) Ovation Eddie 2 32.7K subscribers CAPTAIN KIRK MEETS JOE BIDEN (Star Trek Parody) – #CaptainKirk ovationeddie
How precious of the mainstream news media to lecture us about the dangers of disinformation and misinformation when their whole modus operandi is along exactly those lines. I remember when reading the daily newspaper was a pleasure and I’d look forward to it in work breaks, often getting something of […]