I’ve been asked to say a few words to the truckers in Ottawa. I’ve given that some careful consideration. You protesters have accomplished an awful lot already. The conservative leadership has crumbled. Erin O’Toole has been replaced by someone who is giving a fair bit of voice to your concerns. […]
“The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.” George […]
The protestors in Wellington are by and large not asking for any paradigm shifting concessions. Samuel HillFrom The Platform: https://theplatform.kiwi/ OPINION: New Zealand’s parliament grounds remain occupied by protestors opposed to the on-going vaccine mandates. Thousands of supporters from around the country have now visited the site in Wellington, with many […]
There’s a time to smile and a time when it’s vile. Ardern just has a vile smile. Support the channel by becoming a member: https://mahyartousi.co.uk/ Support the channel via PayPal: http://paypal.me/mahyartousi88 Follow me on Twitter: @MahyarTousi Follow me on Instagram: @Mahyar_Tousi Send me an email: contact@mahyartousi.co.uk For all press or […]
The plot to let the lunatics run the asylum by Martin Harris The Useful Idiots have been manipulated into a position where they have shot themselves in the foot. Useful Idiots are still idiots regardless of who puts them to use. Now their usefulness is almost at an end and […]
A side-splitting but incisive opinion piece by Tucker Carlson on the fear-based reaction of the politicians over the Canadian trucker protests. Brilliant. “When you start making threats like that, you’ve already lost…you are impotent…” Tucker Carlson Fox News8.84M subscribers ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host analyzes Canada’s trucker strike and what our […]
David Seymour opened his fat mouth and pronounced that the first hint of rain would send all the Anti-Mandate protestors home. To the contrary, we “Seymour” protestors arriving daily! Honourable mention and runner-up award goes to Trevor “The Duck” Mallard who thought turning on the sprinklers would wash away his […]
On 6 January 2021 thousands poured into Washington DC to protest (peacefully) to protest the conduct of the 2020 presidential election. However at some point an over-enthusiastic protester, or agent provocateur, led a few people into the Capitol building where they filed past the complacent security guards, took some selfies, […]
Russia moving on saturday (12/2/2022) to stand off Ireland, is a genuine issue. It dramatically shortens the already astonishing and unique missile flight time to continental America; the purpose. Over six kilometers a second, flat on the water line. Totally undetectable, in every regard. Russia has a first strike policy […]
Teaser of the “must watch” upcoming documentary on the rigged 2020 US elections. EXPLOSIVE New Surveillance Footage of Ballot Drop Boxes (rumble.com) Rumble — Watch the new teaser of my upcoming film, “2000 Mules,” and go to 2000mules.com to sign up for movie updates.