“Jacinda Ardern tests negative for Covid-19 after catching a cold from daughter” According to MSM source Stuff: by Martin Harris 8/4/21 Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will miss the first day back in Parliament after a three-week recess after catching a cold from daughter Neve. A spokesman for the Prime Minister […]
First Great Pyramid revelations in the public arena since Gantenbrink’s discoveries in the 90’s. What are these bizarre shafts, and do they indicate the location of hidden chambers? The more I see inside the Great Pyramid, the more obvious it becomes that this extraordinary edifice is more than just a […]
The best episode yet! Welcome to Clown World Vol. 42 The Outer Light79.6K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ www.subscribestar.com/TheOuterLight 👁 https://www.Patreon.com/TheOuterDark 📄 https://hive.blog/@theouterlighthttps://www.bitchute.com/channel/theo… 3Speak: https://3speak.online/user/theouterlight Chat-room: 👾 https://discord.gg/2YNKCwc
“Racism exists, but it is not welcome here. An assault on the freedom of any one of us who practices their faith or religion, is not welcome here. Violence, and extremism in all its forms, is not welcome here.” Jacinda Ardern, March 2019, Christchurch. But is this a case of […]
While the MSM protects Biden daily with crafty editing-out of his gaffes and bizarre behaviour, this is what the world ought to know about the fake president. MH Maria Piacesi, the niece of Montana Senator Steve Daines, has revealed that Joe Biden squeezed her nipple in front of the world’s […]
UH-OH! CHECK OUT WHAT GEORGE SOROS & BILL GATES ARE CURRENTLY UP TO…+OTHER SINISTER AND VITAL NEWS Wait until you hear Biden comment about “sucking the blood out of kids”… Black Conservative Patriot #BCPTODAY#OPENSOURCENEWS#BCPNEWS CHECK OUT OUR NEW DAILY SHOW: www.BCPextras.com SUBSCRIBE TO OUR 2ND YOUTUBE CHANNEL: www.BCPreport.com gettr: @Black_C_Patriot […]
“I am South African and I have insider information into what’s happening…” For a deeper dive into China’s Propaganda influence and soft power, watch our liveshow ADVPodcasts: https://www.youtube.com/advpodcasts Support Sasha and I on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/serpentza Bitcoin – bc1qxfjp2t6x5dpslv59u0jl89m6k643hcn8h2jsvp Ethereum – 0x6Da150a2A8529110017Ed4db68B3dF0084900280 Paypal: https://paypal.me/serpentza DOCUMENTARY LINKS: Conquering Southern China: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/conquering… Conquering […]
A couple of great and very perceptive but contrasting perspectives on the current agenda to integrate Te Reo with the English language in New Zealand-Aotearoa, plus my own comments. MH. When is Te Reo Maori not Te Reo & Rednecks Are Right – If But For The Wrong Reasons. by […]
When a government turns on its people, the people turn on the government. by Martin Harris 16/7/21 Not a statue was toppled. No windows broken, no fires were lit. Yet what may be the largest and most significant protest in New Zealand history took place today. The MSM, of course, […]
Welcome to our world…the madness of New Jacindaland The Outer Light 79.4K subscribers Petition: https://www.change.org/p/the-governer… 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ www.subscribestar.com/TheOuterLight 👁 https://www.Patreon.com/TheOuterDark 📄 https://hive.blog/@theouterlighthttps://www.bitchute.com/channel/theo… 3Speak: https://3speak.online/user/theouterlight Chat-room: 👾 https://discord.gg/2YNKCwc