Here’s the story the MSM isn’t telling you about the claimed pullout! MH 23.04.2021 Author: F. William Engdahl The Biden Administration has announced an Afghanistan US troop withdrawal date of September, 11, 2021, symbolically exactly two decades after the game-changing 911 attacks in New York and Washington. However the Pentagon and White […]
All the great things the Left dream of bringing to your nation… Cheers!
A federal judge has approved the unsealing of documents related to VIP pedophile pimp Ghislaine Maxwell and her ties to the Clinton family. Source: Daily Mail The Daily Mail broke the news that Presiding Judge Loretta Preseka ordered the unsealing of “dozens more documents” about Epstein’s child procurer and her dealings with […]
“The tears of a clown” What an insane world. The Outer Light79.2K subscribersSUBSCRIBED🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ 👁 📄… 3Speak: Chat-room:👾
I’m simply going to supply you with links to the Data. Its all there. Yes there a few deaths noted. Martin COVID-19 Overview of Vaccine Reports ( Latest report posted at time of this article: Safety Report #14 – 5 June 2021 ( The discerning reader reader may also appreciate […]
It doesn’t get much more Orwellian than this! (What happened to “my body my choice”, Dems?). MH The Joe Biden administration has created a “Vaccine Hesitancy Map” using U.S. Census Data in order to help pro-vaccine activists target counties where people who don’t want to take the vaccine live. By […]
Anyone with a few research skills will quickly learn that EVs are not the “clean green” alternative that they are claimed to be, but the Labour government wants us purchasing them nevertheless. But is charging a fee on buying your next petrol car to fund rebates for buyers of EVs […]
-Written by Dai Mitchell of Nelson, NZ, June 28th, 2021, relayed via Ben Vidgen “At a time of constitutional review, the secrecy surrounding the TPPA negotiations raises hard questions about the future shape of New Zealand”. -‘Hidden Agenda What We Need To Know About The TPPA’ Jane Kelsey ( Bridget William […]
The Justice Minister has today shown how out of his depth he is on Newshub Nation as he was unable to provide any clarity around his proposed hate speech laws. by David Seymour, ACT Party leader, via TheBFD June 26 2021 When interpreting the law, courts often look to speeches from the […]
One Nation Party co-founder David Ettridge has just released his latest book titled ABOVE THE LAW which exposes a long list of what he describes as deliberate errors by the DPP and Crown Law that led to his imprisonment with Pauline Hanson in 2003. MEDIA RELEASEJune 23rd 2021. ‘I accuse […]