Eye opening exposé about CA water & illegal spying! WHY is SO MUCH water being dumped into the Pacific ocean??!! A BIG problem is the MSM! Americans are being misled and lied to! BOYCOTT the MSM EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Devin Nunes: The Man Behind the Explosive Memo | American […]
This years US election race is developing as predictably as the plot of the average Hollywood blockbuster. You’d almost suspect it was scripted. by Martin Harris 5/11/2020 I’m already hearing the same old worn out cliches from the mainstream media: Its down to the wire folks, they’re neck and neck, […]
Its time to put on make-up, its time to dress up right, its time to get things started… …why don’t you get things started? Martin comments: Quite frankly I could not give a damn if the Environment Minister was a three eyed androgynous blob of sentient Jell-O from the Arcturian […]
How did they pull it off? Gary Sidley explains in detail: Gary SidleyCoronababbleFri, 23 Oct 2020 Introduction The British public’s widespread compliance with the Government’s draconian diktats has arguably been the most remarkable aspect of the coronavirus crisis. The unprecedented restrictions on our basic freedoms – in the form of […]
UPDATED: The Plot Against the President Paul Craig Roberts – paulcraigroberts.org Oct 29, 2020 If Trump wins the election, unless it is an overwhelming victory that cannot be challenged, the Democrats and the American media will not admit that Trump won. The plan in place is to blame Trump’s win […]
We’ve all heard of “sustainable development,” but what does it actually mean? Is it really about protecting the earth, or is it just another tool for foisting an agenda of carbon eugenics and technocracy? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we rip off the green mask of […]
Contrary to the anti-Trump spin they’re promoting on the TV News here in NZ, the US economy is bouncing back! MH Jeff Coxcnbc.comThu, 29 Oct 2020 Coming off the worst quarter in history, the U.S. economy grew at its fastest pace ever in the third quarter as a nation battered by an […]
This opinion piece should ruffle e few feathers….MH The Sakerthesaker.isThu, 29 Oct 2020 I won’t even bother repeating it all here, those who are interested in my views of this entire Charlie Hebdo canard can read my article “I am NOT Charlie” here: https://thesaker.is/i-am-not-charlie/ No, what I want to do is […]
Last week, Trump was slammed by Obama for walking out of a 60 Minutes CBS interview. Here’s why he walked! In a move of sheer brilliance, Trump released the unedited footage, showing the bias and disrespect of the interviewer. This is how ALL interviews should be shown! MH Look at […]