US President Donald Trump At a press briefing just moments ago, (as of Monday) U.S President Donald Trump confirmed that Obama Gate (#ObamaGate) is real. On Mother’s Day, Trump sent out a series of tweets, creating a twitter storm over the hashtag Obama Gate, which later Twitter openly suppressed. Joaquin FloresFRNMon, […]
Bills with wide -ranging implications, “Blunderbus Bills”, are being pushed through under cover of COVID-19 response. One such bill is the “COVID-19 response Further Management Bill” “Omnibus bills are the sawn-off shotgun in Parliament’s legislative weapons rack, and like a blunderbuss are designed to impact as widely as possible. “ […]
Who remembers Happy Days? Not pre-quarantine life. The TV show. by Martin Harris All the buzz-talk here in NZ about social “bubbles” reminded me of a great episode of this TV show (Season#1 Ep.#8) in which impressionable teenagers Richie Cunningham and Potsie hear from their buddy Ralph about a burlesque […]
In the first week of the Coronavirus Health Minister David Clark drove to a Dunedin park two kilometres from his home to ride a mountain bike trail, as New Zealand marked a week in lockdown. From Bens World Carried out under new laws in which Kiwis’ freedoms were severely curtailed and hundreds who […]
The New World Order agenda isn’t even being hidden anymore. Joe Biden is the latest and loudest voice to promote COVID 19 as rather handy and convenient opportunity to embrace a Chinese-style police state with open arms. by Martin Harris “And I truly think, if we do this right, we […]
Impassioned Italian politician stands up and tells the truth. No further words necessary from me: LOGAN OUT… Ed Roth, a hero of mine from the world of custom cars,once said: “Always tell the truth kids, there’s less to remember!” How true…Martin
George W Bush is in the news again today, and once again it’s not for the only legitimate reason that he should ever be in the news, namely a war crimes tribunal. No, it’s because his voice was used in a cutesy feel-good video about unity during the Covid-19 pandemic. Caitlin Johnstonecaitlinjohnstone.comMon, […]
From an Intel Colleague: In The Argentinian side of Patagonia, China has constructed a massive Intel and Military facility greater than N.W. Cape and Pine Gap combined; and much more. Nothing to do with The Moon or Mars. My associate visited and maintained The Argentine FIA – National Directorate of […]
I have been asked to share the following communication with Uncensored readers, authored by Robert Eady. Some of you may agree or disagree with this letter in whole or in part. All I can say is follow the advice of Chris Hedges: “Condemnation without investigation is proof of indoctrination” and […]
Good old fashioned non-COVID political comment from correspondent G Squared: Flynn was just exonerated. Manafort, Gates, and Stone were also wrongly convicted by ‘The Crooked Cops’ of The FBI, The Deep State Garbage of The DOJ, and their bench partners in crime. The fraudulent chase for Concord Management and thirteen […]