It was a very lame performance by Prime Minister John Key in the first week of Parliament, although he did manage to come up with three headline policies that some conservatives will salivate over – welfare reform, contracting out schools, and privatisation. A closer look suggests his first policy, welfare […]
As we delve deeper into world control, more information arises that helps us understand the current global situation. Many people are unaware of the interconnectedness between the largest global companies. Eighty percent of the world’s wealth appears to be earned by a “core” of 1,318 corporations, which in turn […]
Nokia is moving more of its manufacturing to Asia, the company says, and it is laying off about 4,000 workers by year-end at three factories in Europe and Mexico. Currently, the affected factories in Komarom, Hungary; Reynosa, Mexico; and Salo, Finland, employ a total of 8,900. Nokia had said in […]
. I stopped regarding CNN as a source of credible information back in 2004 after emotionally realising that I was being lied to a scale that I hadn’t previously imagined. With everything going on in the world, it’s interesting to do a retrospective monthly review of all that CNN has […]
For a wider understanding of the Occupy Movement, Please view the following : [youtube]9D9BUgv2G5A[/youtube]
” … without economic growth ~ Portugal will have to leave the Eurozone “ [youtube]LB1RpoTXeCs[/youtube] Portugal’s three largest private banks in 2011 witnessed losses that they had never experienced before.One thousand and one million euros! Press TV’s Antonio Oliveira e Silva reports from Lisbon.
[youtube]5W7p7nxuifw[/youtube] Europeans should ask why they are to pay for an American-Israeli adventure in Iran during a time of unprecedented austerity, says political analyst Chris Bambery. Iran says it will definitely stop oil exports to “certain” European countries, while the decision to cut supplies to further EU states is still […]
[youtube]M6VmmKrFkaY[/youtube] National Park Service police began slowly dismantling the Occupy DC encampment at McPherson Square on K Street early Saturday morning. Over the course of several hours, cops asked protesters to leave while authorities in hazmat suits combed the park and removed tents. Despite protesters insisting that the temporary structures […]
[youtube]x4eLJEWZ7Kk[/youtube] Source and transcript here
Violence is escalating once again in Egypt, where five people have been killed and reportedly 1051 injured, including both police and civilians. At least one Egyptian government building has reportedly been set ablaze. [youtube]Ja6xzSzSZjU[/youtube] Egyptian state television showed a “fire in the Tax Authority building, opposite the Interior Ministry,” Agence […]