Is 5G all it’s cracked up to be? 5G Risk 5G Threat 3/3/21 from We just published our latest analysis on the surprising subpar performance of 5G in the US. Here are a few of our insights: In 30% of US cities, 5G is not considerably faster than 4G. […]
Note. The following exercise presents a controversial issue as reported by RT. As usual I’ll give a brief personal comment below this. But then I’ll go one step further and show the reader some of the “fact checking” and research that goes on when assessing these articles for publication here […]
Ten year anniversary. Still affects us here in Christchurch every day in every way. MH Was the Christchurch earthquake a terrible natural disaster, or was it a terrible MAN MADE disaster? » Uncensored Publications Limited Christchurch Earthquake Was “On Cue”: Hillary Email » Uncensored Publications Limited The earthquake hazard In […]
Sue Grey LLB(Hons), BSc, RSHDipPHI and specialist in emerging issues shares her thoughts and perspectives on the experimental Co-vax, body sovereignty, informed consent and your legal rights. This is not intended as legal advice but to help you ask questions and make mindful decisions. Sue Grey Thanks to Pam Vernon […]
Take action! Stop Labour’s sinister attempt to abolish local government petition rights. Dr. Muriel Newman’s NZ Centre for Political Research is a great resource, whether you simply wish to stay informed of what our government is doing “under the radar” or if you wish to actively help keep governmental power […]
Below you will find a collection of CIA related UFO records. The Black Vault’s connection to the CIA in getting some of these UFO documents released goes back to 1996. Background Originally, the CIA would only release about 1,000 pages that had been previously disclosed after a FOIA court case […]
And the author of the study is no lightweight! The National PulseSat, 30 Jan 2021 A new COVID-19 study concludes there is a “99.8% probability SARS-CoV-2 came from a laboratory.” The 193-page paper published January 29th is titled “A Bayesian analysis concludes beyond a reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 is not a natural […]
Really. He wrote this in 1992, shortly after George Bush announced the New World Order as his “fifth objective” in 1991. Imagine my surprise when a Wall Street Journal editorial appointed me dean of the Pat Buchanan school of neo-isolationism. My credentials? Believing that the Pentagon’s new strategy — America […]
Good solid data, no-nonsense, hype-free presentation, from a man with solid credentials. A great resource! As always, visit the source, give the uploader a “like” and help defeat the censorship! (NZers note the gov’t has already slapped a COVID advisory on this video). I’ve watched several of Dr, Moran’s videos […]
The CIA has released a large cache of files involving unidentified flying objects (UFOs), also known as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by podcaster John Greenwald Jr. By Tyler Durden Greenwald operates a website called the “Black Vault,” where he has made the files […]