News we simply don’t hear in the mainstream. Putin may or may not have been a target, but Jennifer Zeng’s report and footage is important nevertheless as the New World Order continues to take shape. SEE ALSO: Meanwhile, I can attest to the spectacular auroral displays over Christchurch skies last […]

Denials are flooding out from “experts” and weather mod companies alike (its “safe and effective”). Yet both China and Dubai openly boast of using cloud seeding to modify the weather. Naturally the finger is pointed at that catch-all boogeyman, climate change. What do you think? MH © Christopher Pike/Bloomberg via […]

“Large genomic data sets collected from abroad affords China vast opportunities to precisely target individuals in foreign governments for… surveillance, manipulation, and extortion.” April 5, 2024: Can China’s People’s Liberation Army use personal information and genetic data to manipulate and extort U.S. military and government leaders? Yes. Remember when the media reported […]

And yet again, we “conspiracy theorists” were on the ball, this time with the PCR/DNA collection agenda, as Karen Kingston reports. MH Bombshell US government and intelligence agency reports confirm that China used COVID-19 PCR tests to legally collect DNA from Americans and millions of adults and children across 180 […]

Latest developments in China with Jennifer Zeng, always a good source of inside info and some good analysis. Plus, a “Secret conversation” regarding Taiwan overheard in Kosrae! It seems that the mask mandate has returned in China as the epidemic shows no signs of going away. Also, has the CCP […]

Is this what PCR tests are really all about? DNA collection for a profiled bioweapon? China’s New ‘Ethnic Specific’ Bio-Weapons Target Specific Races Based on DNA Facts Matter with Roman B Martin comments: Did you notice the one thing they dodged with regards DNA collection in the video above? The […]
