[youtube]IJozCCHdSNA[/youtube] U.S. taxpayer dollars are finding their way to the pockets of the Taliban, according to a new 75-page congressional report about the military’s use of Afghan security firms. The firms are used to ensure the safe passage of supply convoys. If the U.S. doesn’t pay up, almost without fail […]
South West Asia
The alternative media is working diligently to locate evidence that the New York Times willfully aided Israel’s cover-up of information about their flotilla attack. Prima facie evidence of the paper’s distortion and suppression of facts is so abundant we believe top management must have been involved. The Times’ complicity ranged from journalistic failure […]
[youtube]GGj-DKzshYk[/youtube] [youtube]KLrwaG23JkM[/youtube]
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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said Israel’s raid on the Gaza aid flotilla has increased the chances of war in the Middle East. In an interview with the BBC’s Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen, he said Syria was working to prevent a regional war. But he added that there was […]
[youtube]REWV8Pznmkk[/youtube] [youtube]0mmoD20hSbU[/youtube]
[youtube]EUJhHL0dK7E[/youtube] Israeli World Records • Israel was established upon the ruins of another nation that it destroyed; Palestine • Israel hold the world record in the number of towns & villages it ethnically cleansed…500+ • Israel holds the world record in the number of refugees it deported…4 million + • […]