In April 2007, Italian TV broadcasted a definite proof that Building 7 was demolished by explosives. For the rest of the series, go to
South West Asia
This report documents the widespread ill-treatment and torture of Palestinian children at the hands of the Israeli army and police force. It contains the testimonies of 33 children who bear witness to the abuse they received at the hands of soldiers from the moment of arrest through to an often […]
Cass Sunstein, who wrote a white paper calling for “conspiracy theories” to be banned, wants to legally force Americans to “do what’s best for our society” and dilute their own free speech Disturbing audio has emerged of White House information czar Cass Sunstein, who in a previous white paper called […]
[ … just so we’re clear about ‘WHY’ when people start coming home in body bags. From Uncensored’s ‘Can’t Learn From History’ files ]
[ Viewers are invited to remember as they are watching the clip – just who gave Karzai his job as president in the first place. ]
We are in very dangerous times and Israel is terrorising Iran by saying it will attack Iran’s nuclear plants. This is so irresponsible as the radiological particles released combined with desert sands will turn the Middle East into a massive Chernobyl. Netanyahu is a psycho [ … as clearly illustrated […]
Reports are now beginning to show that depleted uranium used in U.S. weapons during both the 1991 Gulf War and the current war in Iraq have caused birth defects and an increase in cancer in Iraqi cities.
A flotilla of ships and boats are heading towards Gaza RIGHT NOW! From Ireland, Greece, Turkey and around the Mediterranean ships and boats full of important and necessary supplies desperately needed by the Palestinians will be delivered in the middle of May. 5000 tons of aid, including building materials, food, […]