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South West Asia
Ajami co-director Scandar Copti on Sunday said that he does not represent Israel, hours before his film competes for the best foreign film Oscar at the Academy Awards, Army Radio reported. “I am not Israel’s national team and do not represent her,” Copti reportedly said. “It is an extremely technical […]
Intent on shaking up the ultimate ‘sacred cow’ for Jews, Israeli director Yoav Shamir embarks on a provocative – and at times irreverent – quest to answer the question, “What is anti-Semitism today?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpLJS1pIsQY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFSMAekIbRU
Six years after the intense fighting began in the Iraqi town of Fallujah between US forces and Sunni insurgents, there is a disturbingly large number of cases of birth defects in the town. Fallujah is less than 40 miles (65km) from Baghdad, but it can still be dangerous to get […]
The report, by the Washington-based New America Foundation, will fuel growing criticism of the use of unmanned drones in the fight against al-Qaeda and Taliban militants, who use Pakistan as a base for attacks on Nato forces in Afghanistan. Critics say their use not only takes innocent lives, but amounts […]
Alan Hart warns that unless President Barack Obama finds the courage “to require Israel to be serious about peace” with the Palestinians and its Arab neighbours, then we could face the real prospect of the Zionist state ethnically cleansing its Arab citizens, expelling the Palestinians from the occupied West Bank […]
The detention of top military officers in Turkey last week was nothing less than a quiet piece of history. The military, long considered untouchable in Turkey, was pushed from its political pedestal with startling finality. Not only has the military been politically defanged, but it has also proved unable or […]
Paul Craig Roberts describes how disunity and bickering among Muslims have made it possible for Israel to dispossess the Palestinians, for the US to invade Iraq and for the US to rule much of the region and beyond through puppets. Muslims are numerous but powerless. Divisions among Muslims, especially between […]
The short film below – from the animator of the successful Israeli movie Waltz with Bashir – aims to highlight the effects of the Israeli blockade on Palestinians. The animator of this award-winning Israeli short film tackles Gaza. See the full story about the animator at The Guardian Gisha – […]