The Arts
George Lucas is retiring from making blockbusters after complaining that Hollywood refused to fund his latest self-funded movie because it has a black cast. [ apparently the suits just out-and-out told him “we have no idea how to market this ” – end quote ] [youtube]BpA6TC0T_Lw[/youtube] Another impetus for his […]
Shihad ~ My Mind Sedate from Scott Ewing on Vimeo. Production Company : Zoomslide
Confession of a 9/11 Conspirator is a feature film willing to do what the world’s governments and legal bodies are unwilling to do – open a new investigation of 9/11 for the entire world to see. Many of our fellow actors and artists have agreed to perform in the film: […]
From the makers of the smiling assassin comes this nifty piece of work : [youtube]fwo4KL736qM[/youtube] [youtube]mrdL3qKzYpQ[/youtube]
Watched this again today & -yes- the only thing wrong with it was that someone changed the ending. The original book took it’s cues from ‘The Outer Limits’ episode where a man fools the planet into world peace by fakeing an invasion from outer space. The people of the world […]
Filmed on Waiheke Island, New Zealand on May Day 2011. Members of the community express doubts and reservations over aspects of our rapidly globalizing culture. Theatres of Resistance from Scott Ewing on Vimeo.