There are some stories that just beggar belief. This is grotesque beyond words. NOTE: This story, despite only just coming to my attention, is a year old now, and I’ve been unable to find any update on the outcome. I do hope Tanner and his family found a successful resolution […]
Tens of thousands more Brits were dying than expected and experts aren’t quite sure why that is. From May to December last year, there were 32,441 excess deaths in England and Wales, excluding deaths from Covid. Kieren WilliamsMirrorThu, 11 May 2023 Excess deaths are defined as the number of people who […]
Dr Guy Hatchard on the Te Whatu Ora Whistleblower: A Tsunami of Illness & NZ Health Statistics – Download Dr Guy Hatchard on the Te Whatu Ora Whistleblower: A Tsunami of Illness & NZ Health Statistics – 27 Apr 2023 Listen at source: Dr Guy Hatchard on the Te Whatu […]
The sneakiest scam since the “97% Consensus” Climate Change lie. Daily Skeptic reveals how it was accomplished. MH Norman Fenton and Martin NeilThe Daily ScepticWed, 03 May 2023 We have provided numerous explanations (see here, and here) and videos (see here and here) explaining why a vaccine that is actually merely a placebo will inevitably […]
You shouldn’t get any vaccine unless you can verify there is a positive risk-benefit analysis that has been done that is compelling. That means you should ignore what the CDC says about the flu vax. [NZ readers please see my comments below the article, Martin] Executive summary My doctor […]
Bill Gates, long recognized as one of the world’s foremost proponents of vaccines, raised some eyebrows at a recent talk in Australia when he admitted there are “problems” with current COVID-19 vaccines. From via Pam Vernon at EWR Bill Gates, long recognized as one of the world’s foremost proponents […]
Just because covid is over, thankfully, does not mean that the fallout from the health care system’s egregious medical abuses will go unchecked or unpunished. Ethan Huff – Natural News April 28, 2023 Reports are flooding in about the horrors that took place at hospitals all across the country, many of which abused […]
READ BETWEEN THE LINES! Dr. John Campbell carefully sidesteps the YouTube censorship stick after his video on post-vaccination stillbirths and miscarriages causes various local authorities to rapidly alter their data. If so many “clerical errors” occur in government data on such critical FOi releases, how can we trust anything the […]
Petition update from Aly Cook. If you haven’t signed, NOW is the time! Hi Everyone Just an update and a plea for one more share out there of my petition . Firstly the 3000 signatures that disappeared . NZ petitions never put them back; they claimed that they were people signing […]
Their total silence on the excess death numbers in the UK tell you everything you need to know. There is no other intervention that could have caused numbers like these. That’s why they are silent. This linked John Campbell video was posted 3 months ago showing a stunning rise in excess […]