Some great news from Reclaim the Net. Is Alberta seeing the light? I’d like to believe so. a genuine apology would be a great start! MH “WE ARE NOT QR CODES”During the United Conservative party’s annual general meeting, Alberta’s new Premier Danielle Smith is seeking legal advice on pardoning Canadians […]
If this virus got out, IT WOULD KILL 80% OF ALL WHO CAUGHT IT! Please share this video, this research must STOP. Gain of function research in the USA today using enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (ePPP) research Professor Shmuel Shapira, lead scientist, Israeli Government… This should be totally forbidden, […]
More microscope slides and analysis of strange crystalline structures allegedly from the blood of mRNA vaccinated subjects. International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 385 Riccardo Benzi Cipelli, MD, DDS1, Franco Giovannini, MD2, and Gianpaolo Pisano, MD, OHNS31Surgeon, Specialist in Odontostomatology, Periodontologist, Studio Benzi Dental Clinic, […]
A great summation, and surely how the Covid pandemic response failure should be remembered in the history books. But was it a mistake or planned to go this way? EDIFY11.6K subscribers 2020 saw a rise in suicide, anxiety, depression, fear, isolation, and anger. Problems all caused by the disastrous public […]
“Resistance is futile” goes the famous catchphrase of Star Trek’s transhuman Borg Collective. And it seems if we resist the mRNA vaccine by injection, they’ll find other means to introduce it into our bodies. Should make even the most skeptical of us wonder what’s in that so-called vaccine, even after […]
A report produced by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (“NZDSOS”) on the Coroner’s Amendment Bill has brought up serious questions about investigations into deaths in New Zealand. from The Expose A deceased person is usually referred to a Coroner when a medical doctor is not able to write a death certificate […]
This is an excellent rebuttal to the “there is no virus” people who the author contends are a real drag on the Health Freedom movement. Jeremy R Hammond, in my humble opinion is totally honest, and a damn good writer/researcher. One of the best. His logic is impeccable, his patience […]
Now going viral if you’ll pardon the pun. Share with your pro-vax friends. They were conned by Pfizer. Time for some truth. Pfizer Exec Concedes COVID-19 Vaccine Was Not Tested on Preventing Transmission Before Release Open in browserPfizer director admits they NEVER TESTED that “vaccine” for prevention of transmission!So all […]
“the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac- related death among men in this age group. The State Surgeon General now recommends against the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for males ages 18-39 years old.” From Dr. John Campbell YouTube Channel Florida, Guidance for mRNA COVID-19 […]
Recently, an exclusive investigation carried out by the team at The Exposé forced the European Union to launch a Europe-wide investigation into why so many children have died and are still dying since the European Medicines Agency first approved the Covid-19 vaccine for children. The ExposéTue, 04 Oct 2022 Now a second investigation conducted […]