A research group funded by the Government are warning that people critical of the Government are a danger to society. Is it 1933, 1984 or 2022? from https://www.thelookingglass.co.nz/ ‘Dangerous speech’, especially speech from those opposed to or negatively affected by the Government’s covid response who protested at Parliament earlier this […]

Irrefutable science shows that the COVID 19 vaccines are not safe and not effective in limiting transmission or infection from the SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus pathogens. The “safe and effective” false propaganda, put out by public officials who now are continuing to push this vaccine, is a clear breach of duty. A […]

Over the past 15 months we’ve had a barrage of statistics presented to us shouting about how great the vaccines are at preventing hospitalisation from (or with) Covid. However, these statistics have been light on detail on how they were calculated and we’ve not seen much sight at all of […]

Even now, the MSM still plays the “With Covid” versus “Of Covid” game. Here’s a great video showing how it works. Great to hear MSM rebel Barry Soper asking the tough questions at the press conference. MH From: CoronavirusPlushie Published May 7, 2022 My longer video about this: Inflating the COVID-19 Death […]

A superb presentation that covers the entire timeline from planning the “plandemic” to the Ukraine invasion. I’ve just posted the intro here as it needs to be viewed in original format at the link to truly appreciate! Martin From Letmetellyouwhy.uk I believe I have a moral obligation to tell you […]

Former TV1 presenter Liz Gunn interviews Winston Peters on the two year trespass notice issued to him recently by Trevor Mallard. A frank and honest discussion that reflects how many NZers are feeling right now about current events and the direction our country is taking. EWR From Pam Vernon at EWR WATCH AT […]

Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave Published: 28 April 2022 Abstract Cardiovascular adverse conditions are caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections and reported as side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. Enriching current vaccine safety surveillance systems with additional data sources may […]
