This insightful interview of Dr Simon Thornley of Auckland University again shows that there are good reasons for us in this country to question authority and then furnished with new, rigorous evidence – chart our own course. Our Planet via PamVernon EWR During the COVID lockdown crises, NZ as a country […]

How did they pull it off? Gary Sidley explains in detail: Gary SidleyCoronababbleFri, 23 Oct 2020 Introduction The British public’s widespread compliance with the Government’s draconian diktats has arguably been the most remarkable aspect of the coronavirus crisis. The unprecedented restrictions on our basic freedoms – in the form of […]

There has been a 98% plummet in flu infections this year, dispelling fears of a Covid and flu ‘twin-demic’ about which many had warned. Experts say we can thank masks and social distancing. But does this really add up? Peter AndrewsRTMon, 26 Oct 2020 Although there is no mass testing for flu as […]

And just as Obamagate is about to explode! Does anyone smell a plan coming together? MH Jeff PoorBreitbartTue, 06 Oct 2020 US President Donald Trump, October 4, 2020 Monday, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson opened his program by offering his thoughts on why the media and President Donald Trump’s political opponents […]
