In 2017 Anthony Fauci made a very strange prediction, with an even stranger certainty. With complete confidence Fauci announced that during the first term of President Trump a surprise outbreak of an infectious disease would surely happen. By Anti Oligarch on October 3, 2020 29 Sep 2020  posted by Weaver 1. Medical Doctors Declare […]

“…earlier this year, there was another new peer-reviewed study comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children. The results concluded that “unvaccinated children have better health outcomes than their vaccinated peers within the conditions examined”. James HererWeblyfThu, 27 Aug 2020 On May this year, the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute (CMSRI), a “medical […]

Government says there is no conflict of interest Source: Steve Watson | The UK’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance has hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of shares in a company that has been contracted to develop a coronavirus vaccine for the government, a report has revealed. The Telegraph […]

Once upon a time, there was something called science. It included the discovery of truth about nature, the elements, the universe, etc. It was practiced by honest and accountable practitioners called scientists and engineers. They often invented cool new things as a result of their studies, but generally they had […]

With much of Europe struggling to contain a second wave of coronavirus infections, a Danish professor has claimed that the pandemic “may be finished” in Sweden, thanks to herd immunity. RTSat, 19 Sep 2020 Sweden recorded 224 cases of Covid-19 on Thursday, a number roughly on par with daily new infections […]

Treason is a strong word. Is it justified regarding the COVID 19 agenda? Kiwi4Justice examines the case. MH By Kiwi4Justice via EWRThese are unprecedented times in history around the world and in New Zealand right now. Deeply troubling things occurring that just make no rational sense. Is there something else […]

Have you got questions about this so-called pandemic?  One of our early questions was “how is a pandemic defined?”  We went to the WHO website expecting to find it and couldn’t find a definition!  by Jo Blogs Red Sky In The Morning Why wasn’t there a definition?  Without guidelines, isn’t it […]
