Explosive revelations: Must Listen! Via theConTrail.com, thanks to Rose EXCLUSIVE: Bill Gates Negotiated $100 Billion Contact Tracing Deal With Democratic Congressman Sponsor of Bill Six Months BEFORE Coronavirus PandemicTruePundit (start the podcast at 1hr 25mins in…) BREAKING: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped negotiate who would score a $100 billion government-backed Contact […]

They’re both engineered to eventually achieve DEPOPULATION of the human race Mike Adams – Natural news June 3, 2020 The pandemic lockdowns and riots were rolled out in back-to-back fashion, crushing the U.S. economy and spreading fear, violence and unprecedented economic destruction. What do both events have in common? They were […]

Looks like hydroxychloroquine might be back on the menu! A tiny US company, Surgisphere, is behind flawed data which led to governments and the world to dismiss an effective treatment for Coronavirus. The GuardianWed, 03 Jun 2020 Surgisphere, whose employees appear to include a sci-fi writer and adult content model, […]

Could nearly half the population not already infected with SARS-CoV-2 be immune to it from having already contracted other forms of coronavirus in recent years? Daniel Horowitz · May 27, 2020Conservative Review That is one implication of a major study conducted by over a dozen researchers from several microbiology and immunology institutions […]

As an NHS doctor, I’ve seen people die and be listed as a victim of Covid-19 without ever being tested for it. But unless we have accurate data, we won’t know which has killed more: the disease or the lockdown? By Malcolm Kendrick, doctor and author who works as a GP […]

The world’s largest airline trade group has called for “immunity passports”, thermal screening, masks, and physical distancing to be a part of the industry’s strategy for returning to “normal” operations. By Derrick Broze, The Last American Vagabond The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents 299 airlines, recently issued their publication, Biosecurity for […]

Final nail-in-the-coffin for the “masks prevent transmission” myth. Don’t waste your money! …And pay attention to what this paper says about Social Distance modelling! MH Dr. Dennis Rancourt, PhDresearchgate.netMon, 20 Apr 2020 Abstract Masks and respirators do not work. There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis […]
