Something rotten in the state of Denmark… Denmark has passed an emergency law that allows for the government to force people to take a vaccine for coronavirus. Paul Joseph Watson – Summit News March 16, 2020 vaccines The emergency law gives authorities sweeping powers to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and […]
Wonderful comments from the folk at intersperse this BBC article. Enjoy! MH BBCTue, 17 Mar 2020 10:12 UTC People are recovering from COVID-19 ‘like they would from the flu’ Comment: That’s because it IS ‘the flu’, you morons! (At least, it’s one of the many viruses – which includes […]
“.. this hoax is bigger than any before, a massive display of power. The people behind this cattle drive are not virologists, but rather people in industry, Intelligence and government who have the power to crash markets, shut down travel, and force sports teams to play to empty stadiums. I […]
Old video, but very relevant to current events! Be sure to keep reading below the video.MH Jay Dyer – YouTube Nov 22, 2017 And this is why it’s relevant: Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak “Given the urgent global […]
Creative marketing and a touch of humor. Don’t know where the store is that’s doing this deal, but they deserve an award of some sort!
Not really fear-mongering, as there is plenty of truth to the reports. We’ve seen an uptick in Elites flocking to NZ to hunker down in their self-sufficient hideouts. As the header says, it’s time to pay attention (in a calm and rational manner, preferably). What’s really going on? Trouble is, […]
“Achtung! No kisses, hugs or handshakes. Social Distancing is enforced!” Not quite yet, but it’s on the brink. It seems that this pandemic is almost the sole topic of conversation now. (Police helicopter hovering overhead as I type this). Fortunately there are a good number of awake folk around who […]
The toilet paper shortages in the supermarkets have as much to do with Corona Virus, as ‘Terrorists’ had to do witn 9/11. By G Squared 15/3/20 The Global Agenda Managers are playing the ‘fully informed’ middle classes and the ‘smart’ lower classes, as the fiddle they allow themselves to be. […]
No doubt many will have heard the term “Social Distancing” used with increasing frequency over the last few days in the same breath as Covid-19. There is an agenda behind this that has little to do with disease control. by Martin Harris 14/3/20 But I’ve been sitting here alone thinking […]
A 2015 Soros-funded think tank predicted a 2020 breakdown of the global food supply following an outbreak — just as Bill Gates’ 2019 “event 201” simulated a global pandemic. Watch the Bill Gates & friends ‘plandemic’ preparedness exercise cum conference held in October 2019 centerforhealthsecurity 4.31K subscribers Selected moments from […]