MUST WATCH: Truly creepy! secureteam10 Published on Mar 7, 2018
Is this the work of Putin, or a British propaganda op? Two weeks out from Russian elections one wonders if Putin would be foolish or audacious enough to do this? Remember the Polonium incident?
A new video shows the devastation caused as a giant megathrust earthquake strikes off New Zealand, swamping the east coast with 12-metre waves.
Another Interesting and controversial talk from Mr. Icke!
This one is set to become a classic in the annals of ufology!
Consisting of 16 separate images, the impressive vista was captured using the rover’s wide-angle lens. The images were taken from the top of Vera Rubin Ridge at an elevation of 1,073ft.
At Uncensored we’ve long been intrigued by the South American Longskulls. While we are aware that some are the result of cranial deformation (“banding”) it seems these were caste status imitations of the real deal: A separate strand of humans with extraordinary features.
Scary stuff. Secureteam shows us the technology that allows potentially anyone to “frame” anyone else for anything by CG trickery.When coupled with the data collecting and facial recognition technology rapidly proliferating, you,ve got to wonder how that data is being used and who has access! DONALD TRUMP SPEECHES & PRESS CONFERENCE President Trump delivers his first address to a joint session of Congress, in which he’s expected to outline his budgetary and economic goals.
Military analyst, The Saker, takes a look at war or no war in 2018; neocons back in power; neocon threats to the rest of the world; National Security Strategy of the US; US broadside against Pakistan;