What is the Mouse Utopia experiment and what can it tell us about the current state of human civilization? Watch the following two videos. Food for thought. MH The Mouse Utopia Experiments | Down the Rabbit Hole Fredrik Knudsen Fredrik Knudsen1.26M subscribers How Degeneracy will kill Civilization Whatifalthist Whatifalthist574K subscribers […]


“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”  George Orwell, 1984 By Academy Of Ideas https://academyofideas.com/ George Orwell’s writings have experienced a spike in popularity over the past several decades and for a good reason – modern societies are becoming […]


As the Western world continues to swing towards the political Right Wing, many of us are rejoicing a reprieve from the liberal-progressive insanity of the Left. But are we being led into trap? Is the Left-Right divide a charade? David Sorenson thinks so, and a plot to bring forth a […]

The best science fiction manages to predict the future accurately decades or even centuries in advance, which is why you’ve got a HAL-9000 in your pocket right now. It tends to happen naturally, but in the case of Soylent Green, a worldwide cohort of intelligentsia, business leaders, and politicians are […]


Here’s the video everyone has been waiting for…except the MSM who are terrified at the idea of anyone conducting a meaningful interview with the Russian President Putin lest it destroy their carefully constructed cartoon supervillain strawman! Enjoy. Watch Tucker’s immediate reaction to the interview here: https://bit.ly/3SxeZBY Tucker interviews Vladimir Putin […]


Putin and Carlson: The footage is being prepared for broadcast, spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists… RTWed, 07 Feb 2024 © Reuters Dmitry Peskov confirms Tucker Carlson interview Russian President Vladimir Putin met with US journalist Tucker Carlson on Tuesday for an interview, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a daily media briefing […]
