They knew protestors were coming. They knew a few troublemakers would be front-and-centre, yet there was so little resistance on the day. Now it seems the troublemakers had a little help from authority! MH Date: January 8, 2021 Author: Nwo Report Source: Joe Hoft Video has surfaced of Capitol police removing barriers holding […]
Whistleblower Maria Zack makes extraordinary claims of Italian involvement via defense contractor Leonardo and Obama. Full original Press Release at this link: Microsoft Word – 2021-01-05 NIA IGG Italy Press Rel.docx ( Naturally the MSM is now in full damage/debunk control, so lets get the story moving… Bradley Johnson, a […]
Prepare to be shocked. Dyed in Red: The sinister background of “Moderate” Kamala Harris, China’s American dream president Counterpunch With Trevor Loudon 18.2K subscribers Kamala Harris’ Maoist roots The media tells us that Senator Kamala Harris is a “moderate” pragmatic Democrat – though her voting record is to the left of […]
As usual, the MSM Press leaves out the best bits (the bits that don’t fit The Narrative). Open Source News and BCP give us the good bits, and more on Pelosi hypocrisy etc… Black Conservative Patriot 555K subscribers #BCPTODAY #OPENSOURCENEWS #BCPNEWS To support this channel, please go to: Subscribe […]
Digital ID systems inventor Jovan Pulitzer testified at a Georgia State Senate subcommittee hearing on Dec. 30, 2020. From NTD (links below video) Pulitzer suggested all absentee ballots in the state of Georgia be forensically examined and fraudulent ones identified in just a matter of hours. He called on state […]
March for Trump, Jan. 6th, I suspect it will be quite well attended…. Donald J Trump 2.64M subscribers Sure, you’ll probably get a few seconds of footage claiming that a handful of rabble caused some trouble in Washington and Franklin. We’ll watch out for some more enlightening footage to show […]
The fist symbol has been used for decades by Socialism. Only recently has it become associated with BLM, which is only a trojan horse for Socialism anyhow. MH Why do we have to make everything into a partisan political statement. And taxpayer funded no less! The fist symbol of Communist […]
Keeping it within the context of mandatory vaccination, I would like to introduce you to Jerry Day, whose website FreedomTaker serves as a resource for those who would like to come to a better understanding of their sovereignty as individuals and learn about the practical defense of their innate liberty in our […]
Superb and comprehensive explanation of the facts from Chris Chappell: Can Vice President Mike Pence overturn the 2020 US Presidential election, upend the electoral college and put Donald Trump in as president and throw out Joe Biden? Sounds like a stretch, doesn’t it? However, something called dueling electors, and lawsuits […]
Where did the Nine Million Dollars come from Joe? And watch for bombshell revelation at 23:40 ! …We can’t “fix” Trump… The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters 94.7K subscribers Subscribe to our other channel:… Follow us: Parler –… Twitter – Gab […]