Not that kind of mask. The latex kind. With the hyper-realism of physical disguises reaching this level, one has to wonder who Trump will be up against in the upcoming presidential debate: The decrepit, mentally vacant Joe Biden, or Obama in a mask? Wouldn’t you love to see a “Scooby […]
mRNA altering DNA, DNA affected by EMF: You’ve probably heard bits and pieces through various alt. media channels about these things usually in conjunction with Covid vaccines and 5G. Can any of this be true? Is there any good evidence for any of this? Does any of it fit together […]
Short memories. Government relies on it. Who remembers the big selling point of the Trump 2016 election campaign? Something about a wall…border control… Even CNN remembers! I remember the mid-terms when the Republicans were hobbled in their wall-building endeavors, and I remember when Biden tottered into the Oval Office and […]
Fauci should be behind bars. Nevertheless, karma is coming. Watch Fauci squirm under the pressure and listen to the Lotus Eaters analysis of the whole Covid situation. MTG Goes NUCLEAR on Dr. Fauci as House Hearing Goes OFF THE RAILS 118K views 1 day ago #blazetv#fauci#politicsnews This clip is from […]
Readers may remember The Pais Effect and patents from my Space Force article a while back. As we head full steam into a third world war and UAP sightings are on the rise, its vital to keep our eye on this emergent technology. Much thanks to Jon Eisen for tracking […]
“We…found examples of people who upon leaving hospital found DNACPR decisions in their discharge papers without any discussion having been had with them… if they contracted COVID; they were being written off.” Adam Stachura- Director of AGE Scotland Dr. John Campbell… As an example, somebody got in touch with […]
The Great Gloat began yesterday for yours truly when a lefty workmate got the notification he’d been waiting for on his spyphone and couldn’t wait to tell any Trump fan within a kilometer radius the joyous news. I simply gave him a look of pity. Once Pandora’s box is opened […]
Hitler is the “go-to” name among many historical commentators for political and ideological evil, and mainstream media has been quick to compare Russian president Putin, But rarely do we actually get to hear what the two figures have to say as a yardstick for actual comparison. Now is your opportunity…and […]
The fact that cannibalism is even on the table is unpalatable. First they want you to eat bugs, now they want you to eat Grandma’s corpse. Or you could turn vegan. Personally, I take none of those options, thanks. MH Clown Planet Clown Planet276K subscribers
Men “strawmanned” will destroy our society. How come it takes a car guy on a car guy’s YouTube channel to get fed up with the BS and tell the facts straight up and with the sats to prove it? MH Auto Expert John Cadogan Auto Expert John Cadogan 95,904 views […]