In this special report, we discuss Beijing’s ambition over one of the most sensitive types of data—DNA. The Chinese Communist Party is allegedly collecting DNA around the world through a state-linked company offering COVID-19 testing assistance to other countries—granting it access to people’s biometric data. Bill Evanina, former director of […]
What Your Doctor Won’t Tell
The MSM: One day they’re aghast that one should dare suggest SARS CoV-2 came from a lab in Wuhan, next it’s “highly likely”, and with disturbing connections. Chris Chappel’s dry humour and informative presentation suits the scenario well. MH It was dismissed as a conspiracy theory. But now the coronavirus […]
The Ministry of Health has no information about why our hospital Emergency Departments are suddenly so full – and whether this may be related to the experimental jab rollout….. Its almost like they don’t care, isn’t it … or maybe they already know and don’t want to admit it. Pam […]
Unbelievable! Make sure you see 55 seconds in as he walks up to a TV in an establishment without his cellphone and it senses a sensor and trips the TV to connect to him! Everywhere he goes, he keeps getting a Bluetooth notification. (Pam at EWR) From Be sure […]
In 1976 the world was in the grip of pandemic terror….with the SWINE FLU. A rapidly developed and released V was seen to be humanity’s great saviour. In America THREE PEOPLE died after the V….And the powers that be halted the V program, as a safety precaution. From The Health Forum […]
ESSENTIAL VIEWING… “A report on the U.S. Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of the COVID-19 Messenger RNA (mRNA) biologicals” From The Health Forum NZ group @ fb Dr Jessica Rose recently submitted a report for publication in a medical journal (it has been accepted and pending publication) entitled: A report on US […]
Share, share, share! Everyone should see this presentation. watch at link below: Are you getting the vaccine? You better watch this before you do ( NIGHTBREED 3348 subscribers roflcopterOriginal source unknown.
MSM footage from India follows a familiar pattern; it’s becoming rather well-worn and obvious smoke-and-mirrors stuff now, as this clip “pulling aside the Wizard’s curtain” demonstrates! MH No surprises knowing the acceptable narrative from MSM. Watch at the link: Thanks to the ever-vigilant Pam Vernon who has become the tireless […]
This isn’t a joke. Check out the clips in the link below. Still sure you want a COVID jab, anyone? See update debunking the “fact checkers” below. MagnetGate: Magnets Stick To mRNA Injection Sites by Tim Truth ( If you know anyone who has taken the vaccine get them to […]
Correlation does not necessarily indicate causation. Having said that, these coincidences may amount to a connection, so we take note of them. MH From Pam Vernon at EWR NZ’s Outdoors Party has noted the death of a port worker in Tauranga two days after taking the Pfizer injection. (Sincere condolences […]