Engineering Mental Sanity – Jerry Marzinsky Oct 28, 2020 Jerry Marzinsky BA M.Ed.— Jerry is a retired licensed psychotherapist with over 35 years of experience working with and studying the thought processes of psychotic and criminally insane patients in some of the most volatile psychiatric institutions in the nation. He […]
What Your Doctor Won’t Tell
This insightful interview of Dr Simon Thornley of Auckland University again shows that there are good reasons for us in this country to question authority and then furnished with new, rigorous evidence – chart our own course. Our Planet via PamVernon EWR During the COVID lockdown crises, NZ as a country […]
How did they pull it off? Gary Sidley explains in detail: Gary SidleyCoronababbleFri, 23 Oct 2020 Introduction The British public’s widespread compliance with the Government’s draconian diktats has arguably been the most remarkable aspect of the coronavirus crisis. The unprecedented restrictions on our basic freedoms – in the form of […]
There has been a 98% plummet in flu infections this year, dispelling fears of a Covid and flu ‘twin-demic’ about which many had warned. Experts say we can thank masks and social distancing. But does this really add up? Peter AndrewsRTMon, 26 Oct 2020 Although there is no mass testing for flu as […]
A new mRNA diagnostic tool developed at Stanford University and funded by BARDA and DARPA is bringing implantable biochip technology closer to reality. by Raul Diego The POC (point-of-care) diagnostics market stands at about $18.8 billion globally, according to recent market trends, and is expected to grow by a third to $24.1 […]
In 2017 Anthony Fauci made a very strange prediction, with an even stranger certainty. With complete confidence Fauci announced that during the first term of President Trump a surprise outbreak of an infectious disease would surely happen. By Anti Oligarch on October 3, 2020 29 Sep 2020 posted by Weaver 1. Medical Doctors Declare […]
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention promotes water fluoridation as one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century when, in reality, it’s one its greatest failures. Yet, in the face of solid scientific evidence of harm, politics and public relations have kept the practice alive. Dr. […]
“…earlier this year, there was another new peer-reviewed study comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children. The results concluded that “unvaccinated children have better health outcomes than their vaccinated peers within the conditions examined”. James HererWeblyfThu, 27 Aug 2020 On May this year, the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute (CMSRI), a “medical […]
Thinking of buying a new phone, just for high-speed mm Wave 5G? Do yourself a favor: Don’t. By B.N. Frank There has been so much controversy, opposition, and international action taken AGAINST 5G deployment that it’s been the subject of Dilbert comic strips. American opposition isn’t isolated to biological and environmental risks (see 1, 2). Federal agencies and […]
Once upon a time, there was something called science. It included the discovery of truth about nature, the elements, the universe, etc. It was practiced by honest and accountable practitioners called scientists and engineers. They often invented cool new things as a result of their studies, but generally they had […]