Interview with Vaxxed producer banned from Australia Producer of film Vaxxed banned from Australia by Jon Rappoport August 9, 2017 Polly Tommey, producer of the famous documentary, Vaxxed (trailer), has been banned from Australia. If that sounds quite insane—it is. Vaxxed has been screening across the world. It is an […]

August 8, 2017 Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times Here is a perfect example of the tactics that Big Pharma uses to incentivize doctors to push vaccines on the public. Insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) pays pediatricians $400 for EACH fully vaccinated child under the age of 2. […] Tuesday, September 22, 2015 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) New research out of Sri Lanka has demonstrated a toxicological aspect of glyphosate that many scientists and laymen alike have overlooked or never even investigated. Besides its inherent toxicity, glyphosate, the primary herbicide chemical used in Monsanto’s Roundup […]

Chemotherapy may spread cancer and trigger more aggressive tumours, warn scientists Sarah Knapton, Science Editor 6 July 2017 • 7:54am   Chemotherapy could allow cancer to spread, and trigger more aggressive tumours, a new study suggests. Researchers in the US studied the impact of drugs on patients with breast cancer […]

Deep medical fraud: logical insight cancels brain fog by Jon Rappoport June 28, 2017 In the course of an investigation, a clue can turn up that changes everything. It exposes massive falsehoods and fraud. But the meaning of the clue doesn’t always tap the investigator on the shoulder and reveal […]

Protests in various cities throughout Italy during the past week (June 2017). Image source. Brian Shilhavy Health Impact News Editor Readers from Italy have been contacting Health Impact News this past week, asking us to cover the massive demonstrations happening throughout Italy to protest a new mandatory vaccine law. This […]

From ActivistPost: “Propaganda for Peace, Love, and Liberty” June 18, 2017 By Janet Phelan In 2014, a moratorium was placed on federally funded research which involved making flu viruses more lethal. The moratorium was placed after heated debate generated by research published  by a Netherlands team, headed up by Ron […]
