War has never been closer. Well researched and intelligently presented. You may not agree with everything Moon says, but we think he’s in the ballpark. MH https://www.youtube.com/@Moon-Real Some of the footage in the presentation above may look familiar. Here’s Killing Joke with a prophetic punk anthem from 1981. “The food […]

All of the globalist policies over the last three years are driving toward one thing, mass depopulation. Yes, they want to kill us. Until you understand that, you will never understand what’s going on. You will never make sense of it. Leo Hohmann – leohohmann.com April 21, 2023 I know […]

“Compulsory cooperation is not debatable with 166 nations, most of whose leaders are irresolute, conditioned by localist “cultures,” and lacking appropriate notions of the New World Order. Debate means delay and forfeiture of our goals and purpose.” From Pam Vernon, EWR https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/ CONFIDENTIAL: COBDEN CLUBS, Secretariat for World Order 814-631-9959, September […]

Who remembers Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)? Take a look at these captioned screenshots. The scenario strangely echoes current events. The story begins with a series of ariel close encounters between aircraft and UFOs over US airspace. At first balloons are suspected, but the witnesses report […]

Now this is a great way to destroy your nation’s infrastructure, Norway! Carl Vernon Carl Vernon201K subscribers 149,002 views Jan 6, 2023Bestselling books and merch: https://www.carlvernon.com Events: https://www.carlvernon.com/events Don’t forget to subscribe. Hit the bell to stay updated on the latest videos and live sessions. Carl Vernon Talks channel: https://www.youtube.com/@carlvernontalks […]
