COVID 19 and the Climate “emergency” Agenda: How they are instigating the New World Order AKA The Great Reset. Three videos that somehow slipped through the YT censorship machine! Chairman of the FMF Rule of Law Board of Advisors and a former judge of the Supreme Court of South Africa, […]
2030 Agenda
Must read: The puzzle piece that connects Biden to the New World Order Agenda From Vicky Davis, The Technocratic Tyranny Note: The following is the text of an email prepared and sent by Debra Niwa on September 19, 2008. The note regarding the pdf as an attachment was changed to […]
Though the broader policy focuses on jobs, technology, investment and industry, the transport component is substantial, and brings forward a ban set less than a year ago for 2040 to the year 2030, making this policy a stark and imminent reality for UK companies and consumers alike. Ketan JoshiThe Driven […]
The WEF says the public will ‘rent’ everything they require: stripping the right of ownership under the guise of ‘sustainable consumption’ and ‘saving the planet’. Of course, the tiny elite who rolled out this great reset will own everything. Hundreds of millions around the world deemed ‘surplus to requirements’ are […]
We’ve all heard of “sustainable development,” but what does it actually mean? Is it really about protecting the earth, or is it just another tool for foisting an agenda of carbon eugenics and technocracy? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we rip off the green mask of […]
Another term of Comrade Ardern. Rather predictable really. Another election result based on a combination of manufactured personality and feelings-over-facts politics. As one analyst said on the radio a few days ago “you can’t run a country based on feelings”. Nope, but you can sure run a country’s economy into […]
Beware religion and politics riding in the same car! MH Ethan Huff October 10, 2020 (Natural News) In his latest Fratelli Tutti (Brothers All) encyclical letter, Pope Francis issues a plea for the nations of the world to hand their reins of power over to the United Nations, which Francis says will lead us all […]
The UK Prime Minister’s remote speech to his party conference saw him dismiss the idea of returning to normality. Is he using Covid-19 to follow the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ agenda, as many have warned? Neil ClarkRTWed, 07 Oct 2020 ‘It’s not really about public health or a virus. […]
Spot the agenda! The year 2030 mentioned should be big clue. MH By Robert Wheeler Recently, I wrote an article discussing the looming food crisis in the United States and the rest of the world. While it might seem like paranoia to some readers, the information provided in that article is very real. […]