Giza underworld confirmed reality as satellite scans reveal a vest network of structures beneath the pyramid complex. This could be cause to rewrite our history books. But of course, controversy and denial come to the fore. Alternative archaeology fans hardly need filling in on the decades-long feud between the mainstream […]
Baalbek is well known for the amazing Roman temple ruins and of course its puzzling trio of almost impossibly huge foundation stones. Recent excavations at the quarry and examination of the site reveal mind-blowing and perplexing new evidence to back up the myths that the foundations are far older and […]
Stonehenge, UFOs and the Loch Ness Monster can always be guaranteed to be trotted out by the Mainstream Media on an annual basis to distract us from the real headlines. Here’s the latest “bombshell, perplexing” revelation with a fairly simple answer. Martin Harris 16/8/24 Image copyright Shutterstock I drove home […]
A connection between Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and South America has long been demonstrated by the alternative archaeology crowd, and met with derision by the mainstream. At last here we have more evidence that “we were right”(again…) MH Bob YirkaPhys.orgThu, 21 Mar 2024 © Andreas Mieth, Uni Kiel Easter Island […]
If you haven’t seen it, now is the time! The most important and compelling documentary on early New Zealand history and the coverup agenda is now available to view at YT thanks to presenter Gabi Plum and Plummtree Productions. Long-time Uncensored readers may recognize the late Noel Hilliam, who has […]
Kaimanawa Wall: New Zealand has many controversial archeological/geological sites, but few are as intriguing or enduring as this artificial-looking feature. A prominent sign at the site declares this to be a natural feature. There are many visitors who disagree. The same sign declares that digging is strictly forbidden. There is […]
Fascinating article reveals not only the reality of a giant race of humans, but how their genes survive today and what it means for us as a “hybrid” human species. MH Author: Robert John Langdon The myths about giants go way back in history, and science fiction has taken such […]
While we can safely discount Von Daniken’s “Alien spaceport” theory, the enigmatic and complex Nazca Lines are still open to speculation. Here’s a theory I’d not heard before sent my way by Jon Eisen. Enjoy! MH The Nazca and Palpa Lines Peru – The Mystery SolvedAncient Interferometer Fractal Antenna ComplexBy […]
First Great Pyramid revelations in the public arena since Gantenbrink’s discoveries in the 90’s. What are these bizarre shafts, and do they indicate the location of hidden chambers? The more I see inside the Great Pyramid, the more obvious it becomes that this extraordinary edifice is more than just a […]
A highly advanced civilization was wiped out by a mega event around 12,000 years ago. Mainstream science and history are trying to hide this fact but there is irrefutable evidence & it’s time to rewrite history. ▹ Watch the full interview with Graham Hancock 👉🏽… ▹ More from Graham […]