At a time when Chinese interference/influence is under the spotlight around the world, it is sad but hardly surprising to find Christchurch mayor Dalziel up to her neck in “under the carpet” funding from you-know-who! It is heartening on the other hand, to see the corruption being brought into the […]
While you were focused on the impeachment farce, this brilliant “chess move” went down: Black Conservative Patriot
Hunter Biden Former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden will have to answer questions under oath on Dec. 23 as part of a paternity case, according to a new court filing. Zachary StieberThe Epoch TImesFri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00 UTC Biden, 49, will be deposed two days before Christmas […]
Peoples Republic of China Infiltration of Australia Martin’s note: While most of the material in Arlyn’s article will be familiar to regular readers here, the collation of this information into a single item will no doubt be a valuable reference point for researchers. The very use of Republic is a misnomer […]
In this terrifying video, you see a man caged in a metal chair being interrogated by the Chinese police for comments he posted online. Watch video on Bitchute at link below: …Coming to your neighborhood soon?
Beware Global Warming! Not because it will consume our planet in fire but rather because it is a Trojan horse concealing a much more real threat, one that will consume our economy, our democracy and our way of life. By Dave Ball Ever since Michael Mann’s fantasy “hockey stick” temperature […]
A series of classified Chinese government documents were leaked by a group of journalists describing the secret operations of detention camps in Xinjiang, reported Reuters. November 25, 2019 By Tyler Durden Published by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) Sunday, the documents offer a rare look into the massive internment camp […]
Australian politician says media revelations of Chinese spying disturbing MELBOURNE (Reuters) – A senior Australian politician on Saturday said he was disturbed by the reported efforts of China to infiltrate politics in Australia, Hong Kong and Taiwan detailed by an asylum seeker who said he was a Chinese spy. Resource-rich […]
God help us all. The health effects and societal concerns over 5G have barely had any robust scrutiny. It may be years or decades before the health repercussions of this technology are truly known, and we should all be concerned about the Police-State, mass-surveillance aspect. But before we’ve even hd […]
The Chinese government continues its Orwellian practices with the announcement that citizens will have to use facial recognition technology to access the internet (which is already highly fire-walled.) By Aaron Kesel This is all a part of China’s social credit system that will take effect on Dec. 1st. After the […]