Here’s an archaeological puzzle I had never heard of before (and I thought I knew it all!). Brett Swancer of the excellent resource Mysterious Universe tells us more, plus some excellent video footage. Martin H Brent Swancer May 24, 2019 The villages of Longyou County, in Zhejiang province, China, have […]
The near-monopoly on the rare metals processing industry by China is becoming an increasingly obvious advantage in the Super-Power Trade-War, as the following article illustrates, the brewing US – Iran situation will add to China’s advantage. Note that “rare metals” aren’t all that rare or exclusively found in China, but […]
Will the Trade War turn “kinetic”? Personally I doubt it: China knows the US is “master” of military warfare and they will do everything to avoid that scenario. China’s speciality is economic warfare. I suspect by the tone of the Huawei communications, the US may have beaten them at their […]
They came to Christchurch to escape terror in the Middle East, but terror found them where they least expected it. But it seems we can not give them time to grieve their loss, nor the decency to consult them. Instead their tragedy, which has affected all in Christchurch, is being […]
As the Trade War between the US and China heats up, Trump retains an air of calm confidence. As usual, current events in this arena seem to be proceeding as the President expected. However, as Paul Craig Roberts comments, the Iran situation may be a dangerous trap, and China has […]
It was only a matter of time before Social Credit, the ultimate Police State control tool, crept out from China into the wider world via the Belt and Road and 5G: POSTED BY: JOSHUA PHILLIP TN has warned that China intends to aggressively export its draconian social control system. It has […]
I can understand this treatment being used to control Parkinsons, but drug addiction? What comes next? Cure your belief in “conspiracies” or even views questioning the official “narrative”? Dangerous territory. MH ERIKA KINETZ, Associated Press – Associated Press – Wednesday, 8 May 2019 Patient Number One is a thin man, […]
Keating’s comments cracked me up, with it’s “old school” Aussie slang, but this report from Australia’s MSM highlights the growing division between those who think the West should embrace China, and those who think caution and critical thinking is wise. MH Hannah MooreThe Daily Mail AustraliaMon, 06 May 2019 13:55 […]
Think living under a Chinese New World Order might be a good option? Take a look at this list and ponder. Is this our future? FORTY-EIGHT SUSPICIOUS SIGNS OF ‘EXTREMISM’ The following reasons can be used as a trigger by Chinese Government officials to justify someone being sent to an […]
China or the USA? It looks like countries like NZ, Australia and even the UK that are juggling alliances with the two major superpowers will soon have s to start making some tough choices. First let’s take a look at the Chinese Belt And Road global “silk road”: New Silk […]