Climate alarmism hits Mars ! In this instance NASA admits “nothing to see here”, and yet back on Earth, they’re playing the UN catastrophe tune. Here’s Paul Seaburn’s article from Mysterious Universe. MH Paul Seaburn February 5, 2020 For those hoping to one day escape climate change on Earth before […]
Climate Change
Especially watch the geoengineering and weather mod clips @ 6:30 onwards. Some interesting revelations about weather mod in Australia! Kevin Boyle — YouTube Jan 18, 2020
Following the trend of using blatant lies like the 97% consensus claim, the Globalist players continue to hoodwink the Mainstream Media with easily debunkable figures. Read on…MH The leading media worldwide cranked up the volume when it spread the news of how a statement had been published in the journal […]
Do the global warming wars ever change anyone’s mind? From I suppose there are a few people whose minds have been changed. As I recall, Judith Curry has said Climategate (now “celebrating” its 10 year anniversary) was her wake-up call that institutionalized climate science might not be all it […]
Author Roy Spencer Ph.D. Is a Climatologist and former NASA scientist, so he knows his stuff! MH Summer and early Fall are fire season in California. It has always been this way. Most summers experience virtually no precipitation over much of California, which means that the vegetation that grows during […]
…And it isn’t “man made” climate change. Well, well, well. How about that. MH Dwayne Brown, Alan Buisnasa.govSat, 12 Oct 2019 00:00 UTC © NASA/JPL-CaltechThe last El Nino in 2015-16 impacted the amount of carbon dioxide that Earth’s tropical regions released into the atmosphere, leading to Earth’s recent record spike […]
For over five decades in Australia, the study of clouds, rain and the atmosphere has been largely hidden from the public, as a secretive network of government agencies and private business interests continue to manipulate the weather around us to their personal benefit. From via Envirowatch Rangitikei OVERVIEW Geoengineering, […]
The mainstream media has made a radical departure away from vehement chemtrail denialism into systematic chemtrail embrace, and the question remains as to why the climate “deep state” has suddenly decided to show its cards. 09/20/2019 / By Ethan Huff Geoengineering, which was long dubbed a “conspiracy theory” by the […]
The dark side of the Climate Change Agenda is emerging. We’ve seen hints of this before with the euthanasia and abortion push. Now they’re getting bolder. Note that while the “let’s eat babies” lady in the video clip was clearly trolling, Ocasio-Cortez can clearly be seen nodding. An academic in […]
Forget the fake Climate Emergency; here’s something climate related to flip about! Mike McraeScience AlertSat, 05 Oct 2019 10:30 UTC Half a billion years ago, when trilobites ruled and dry land was a barren wasteland, Earth was having a terrible time making a decision. North and south had switched places […]