Directed Energy Weapons? Do not roll your eyes and click away before you’ve evaluated the evidence. Everything else follows the same plot as the Maui fires, right down to the Build Back Better disaster-capitalism disguised as socialist utopian rebuild fantasies. And the miserable token gesture compensation offered to victims from […]

Hawaii aftermath has resulted in a lot of videos both new and old being recommended unsolicited to the feeds of many interested parties, myself among them. More than one commenter in the YT community has wondered if we finally have a friend on the inside at YouTube? Martin CRAZY VIDEO! […]

– “…We are currently in the second generation, specifically marked by theadvances in computer CPU technology. Advances in the third generation will allow for much of the diamond nano-skinned balloon systems to function. The fourth generation will converge networkability, energy conversion and molecular scale activities in atmospheric change” The Smoking […]
