Not that kind of mask. The latex kind. With the hyper-realism of physical disguises reaching this level, one has to wonder who Trump will be up against in the upcoming presidential debate: The decrepit, mentally vacant Joe Biden, or Obama in a mask? Wouldn’t you love to see a “Scooby […]

Two perspectives on the latest Russian threat. Note “un-named sources” as usual. Seems to me this another effort to drum up congressional funding based around “credible threat”. Nothing new there. I suspect the US is actually well ahead of the game on space-based weapons tech anyhow, but here’s Sandboxx YT […]

Pentagon up to its usual shady shenanigans in other words. Exactly what’s being obscured by this latest UFO disclosure game is unclear (hardly surprisingly) but everyone has their ear to the ground and an eye on the sky. MH Pentagon ‘unable’ to confirm or deny discovery of materials originating from […]
