This is where the PCR tests and DNA data gathering have been heading. Did you give DNA to one of those genealogy/ancestry outfits that give you a questionable result? This what they wanted your DNA for. Jennifer Zeng exposes the latest from China. Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng This is […]

New Zealand whistleblower has made ripples around the world, but this is becoming a very precarious situation. Is the whole movement being set up? Is this a psy-op? Or is this the breaking of the dam? MH From Karen Kingston @ substack via Pam Vernon December 3, 2023: Breaking News -New Zealand […]

Rolling out into the headlines again to spread further messages of fear, Michael Baker is a public health physician and Professor in the Department of Public Health at Otago University in Wellington with an ornamental academic record. Most New Zealanders know him as a media spokesperson for the Ministry of Health’s […]

NOW is the time. Take action against the WHO before its too late! If you are a citizen or resident of the UK, please sign this petition and spread the word. The deadline to sign is October 3, 2023.… More useful links from James;… (worldwide) […]
