Australian politician Chris Minns inadvertently said the quiet part out loud when he admitted that the existence of true “free speech” is incompatible with a multicultural society. Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Thursday, Mar 20, 2025 The Premier of New South Wales tacitly admitted that in order to […]
Freedom Of Speech
Hercules star Sorbo is wide awake: Freedom of speech, NWO, Covid/vaccines…the works. Kevin Sorbo is “awake not Woke”. Can’t say the same about his apologist interviewers though… Triggernometry Triggernometry
Cometh the hour, cometh the man: Freedom of speech at work, a breath of fresh air as Winston basks in the spotlight at parliament. Martin comments: you may agree with him, you may not, but after six years of hand-wringing, grim socialist ideological thunderclouds and cancel-culture pandering, Winston Peters is […]
The day may come soon when Russia Today has more freedom to comment on Australia than the Australian press does. Probably soon if Albanese has his way! MH RTSun, 05 Nov 2023 © DAVID GRAY / AFPAustralian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (C) in the House of Representatives at Parliament House […]
GCHQ, the government listening post in Cheltenham, Glos, worked with MI5 and MI6 to monitor any communications that differed from the official Covid narrative. The Daily – Sept 1, 2023 A government unit accused of seeking to suppress free speech during the pandemic worked with Britain’s intelligence agencies, senior civil servants […]
Concerns rise over political push for power to control speech. by Avi Yemeni at Rebel News In an effort to combat a threat to freedom of speech in Australia, a group led by Nick Patterson in Melbourne has taken to the streets to educate the public about a proposed misinformation […]
Late Friday afternoon Sue Grey received news that the Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal has struck out charges against her and found no case to answer as she had not breached professional standards. Media Release Saturday 5th of August, 2023. (From New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party) A Win for Sue Grey […]
Freedom of Speech in relation to health freedom is the subject. Dr. John Campbell presents a real cracker here and takes the censorship monster to task. Facebook Bowed to White House Pressure, Removed Covid Posts Internal Meta emails say pressure from Washington was behind a decision to take down posts […]
What exactly is “Hate Speech”? Nice little article by Donald Jeffries forwarded to me by Jon Eisen. MH Do we still have a First Amendment? DONALD JEFFRIES JUL 21 I’ve been watching some of the Senate hearings on social media censorship, where Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is the star witness. […]
All the more reason to keep supporting Independent and Uncensored News Media. More Orwellian implementations on the way! At a post-Cabinet press conference on the 8th of February, just two weeks after becoming New Zealand’s 41st Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins announced that Labour’s proposed hate speech legislation would be withdrawn and the matter referred […]