Yup, vaccination is top of the MSM news again. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The United Nations New World Order is upon us. by Martin Harris 28/3/19 The scare was on before the horrific terror attack, and with Christchurch still coming to terms with the aftermath, the […]
The oft renewed ‘Flat Earth’ stupidity is derived from wrong interpretation of The 1569 Geradus Mercator Projection. The Loxodromic or Rhumb Lines Arc of Meridians of Longitude, essential to navigation. by G squared, 26/3/19 But then, if you weren’t dealing with US heards of non-educated, you could hardly pack a […]
Please be sure to read my important note below this article and understand our intent with this item. Thanks. Political leaders and public figures were falling over themselves this weekend to condemn the mosque attacks in New Zealand, while dozens of Christians were slaughtered by Muslims in Nigeria to the […]
For those not in the know, Anne Marie Brady, the author of important works on NZ’s relationship with China, has been the victim of apparent threats and sabotage which the government seems rather reticent to address. The Canterbury University professor has been the subject of international calls for protection following home […]
In this analysis, John Pilger looks back over the Chavez years in Venezuela, including his own travels with Hugo Chavez, and the current US and European campaign to overthrow Nicolas Maduro in a ‘coup by media’ and to return Latin America to the 19th and 20th centuries. John Pilgerjohnpilger.comThu, 21 […]
Mike Pompeo, the former boss of the world’s most prolific terror organization, the CIA, climbed up on his high State Department horse Saturday and lectured us on the crimes of the “sick tyrant” Nicolás Maduro. By Kurt Nimmo This little tweeted tirade was intended for the ignorant masses in America […]
Not often I feature mainstream news items these days, but this Newsweek article has some interesting geopolitical comment: Between America, Europe and Russia, Who Wins? China Ariel Cohen © STR/AFP/Getty Images Chinese soldiers carry the flags of (L to R) the Communist Party, the state, and the People’s Liberation Army […]
The US was in breach of the INF treaty for years, the Russia’s defense ministry told the summoned US diplomat, calling on the US to destroy cruise missile launchpads, target-missiles and attack drones to return to INF compliance. RTThu, 07 Feb 2019 17:07 UTC The Russian side suggested that the […]
France, one of Europe’s two nuclear powers, said on Tuesday that it had fired a nuclear-capable missile from a fighter jet, while the US and Russia feud over the death of a nuclear treaty that saw Europe purged of most of its weapons of mass destruction during the hair-triggered days […]
Inequality: The rich just keep getting richer, and meanwhile the slice of the pie owned by the poor just keeps getting smaller. If you add together all of the money owned by the poorest 3.8 billion people living on this planet, it would roughly equal the wealth controlled by the […]