Under Jacinda Ardern’s stewardship, New Zealand is becoming a totalitarian state. By Dr Muriel Newman “Totalitarianism: form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of individual life to the authority of the state.”– Encyclopaedia Britannica Under Jacinda Ardern’s stewardship, New Zealand is […]

…Because there’s always an agenda behind the headlines! Opinion by Martin Harris 21/4/21 COVID bubbles and Climate Emergencies, step aside, please: Earthquakes are back on the menu, at least here in NZ. The sudden flurry of Mainstream News interest is triggered by a new report that increases the statistical likelihood […]

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” William Shakespeare, The Tempest Mike WhitneyUnz ReviewSun, 11 Apr 2021 Mike Yeadon is a soft-spoken microbiologist and a former Vice President of Allergy and Respiratory Research at Pfizer. He spent 32 years working for large pharmaceutical companies and is a leading […]

Absolute cracker of an article from Ben Vidgen. Very timely, and the UFOs subject will be a feature of upcoming articles and blogs here at Uncensored with some interesting twists! Martin From Ben Vidgen “The Dyslexic Detective” 2021 THE YEAR OF THE FROG PLAGUES? You know all those jokes – […]

In 1920, Scientific American reported that the atmosphere was deficient in CO2, and that crop productivity could be greatly enhanced by introducing CO2 emissions from from smokestacks, and that earth was covered with luxuriant forests when CO2 levels were much higher. Tony HellerReal Climate ScienceSun, 04 Apr 2021 © Real Climate Science Fertilizing […]

The oppression of Christians across the globe continues. By ProTrumpNews StaffPublished April 3, 2021 According to eyewitnesses, The Chinese Communist party is imprisoning Christians in “brainwashing” centers forcing them to renounce their faith. The eyewitnesses also say that they faced routine beatings and indoctrination. Breitbart News reported: Eyewitnesses told Radio Free […]

Huxley would be taking his life into his hands if he openly called for eugenics, so he called the movement instead environmentalism. Genocide is a Keystone of Globalism COVID VACCINES ARE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION & COULD WIPE OUT THE HUMAN RACE (DR VERNON COLEMAN) Former Pfizer VP says experimental Covid-19 vaccines […]

Dear Prime Minister, Attorney-General, Director-General of Health and Chris Sue Grey RE PFIZER VACCINE “COMIRNATY” RE BREACHES OF MEDICINES ACT, MISLEADING AND DECEPTIVE CLAIMS and OTHER MATTERS I represent a large number of New Zealanders who are extremely concerned about apparent legal breaches and misleading and deceptive representations in the […]
