BlackRock: One of the great mega-villains of the economic investment world. Seems we can’t escape their clutches in the current Globalist environment. NZ readers may recall when the previous PM, left-winger “comrade” Jacinda Ardern, was caught like a possum in the headlights exiting the BlackRock Investments HQ on her US […]

As Ardern gives her valediction (or should that be malediction?) we think this an appropriate time to remember her reign and what she did for (and to) New Zealand. to that effect we present this great article by Martin Hanson. Jacinda Ardern: Saint or Psychopath? Author; Martin Hanson While […]

Classic Winston Peters, teasing potential bombshells in the leadup to the next NZ election in the aftermath of Ardern abandoning her post. MH 21,159 views Jan 20, 2023 Join Platform Plus for enhanced access and features: Download The Platform app for free: App Store:… Google Play:… Call […]

More hypocrisy, contradictions and thinly veiled police-state rantings from the Red Queen herself, Jacinda Ardern, Prime-Minister-in-exile of New Zealand. MEME THE LEFT186K subscribers ## BIDEN ACTUALLY ADMITTED THIS: ## MEMES OF THE DAY – LEFTY NIMBY EDITION: ## BUMBLING BIDEN LITERALLY ASKED FOR THIS: ## WHEN YOU […]
