More to this presentation than the title and thumbnail would suggest. Machiavelli is just the starting-point for a deep-dive into how modern politics and economics are manipulated and controlled. MH The Life Guide The Life Guide Niccolo Machiavelli is one of the greatest political philosophers of all time, with his […]

Any attempts to question mainstream explanations about controversial events, which have been handed down from official government sources, are immediately attacked by most society members? March 9, 2021 NoFakeNews If you were to suggest other gunmen were involved in the murder of President John F. Kennedy, the people listening to […]

There’s a definite political party strategy, or dichotomy, regarding illegal immigration.  Nothing proves that more definitively than the video below wherein then-Democrat-Party President Bill Clinton told the Nation, in a speech before Congress, almost the same remarks about illegal immigrants which now-Republican-Party President Donald J. Trump says concerning illegal immigration. […]
