U.S. Army getting desperate for recruits? looking for cannon fodder for WW3? I don’t know, but it would appear the whole COVID mandate operation is coming to an end. Martin HAL TURNER 16 NOVEMBER 2023 “COVID Vaccine NOT REQUIRED” Well, isn’t __this__ interesting . . . The U.S. Army has a […]
Military and Defense
Clearly the Chinese are making a peaceful contribution to the Middle East situation. Ahem… Maybe they really are just Chinese fence post parts, but the configuration is somewhat reminiscent of something else. I’ll let you make your own conclusions. MH
Many pilots have claimed to have encountered unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the sky, but experts suggest that a new drone that can fly almost silently without wings or propellers could be behind some of the alleged UFO sightings. Zoey Sky – Natural News Aug 29, 2023 The Silent Ventus drone, designed by Florida-based […]
Bloomberg is just out with a devastating behind-the-scenes account of a hot-headed Zelensky at the NATO summit in Vilnius, and the growing Western backlash in the face of his obvious frustration and what’s being seen as ingratitude for the steady flow of billions of dollars in arms to Kiev. BY TYLER DURDEN THURSDAY, JUL 13, 2023 […]
“Utilizing the INERTIAL MASS REDUCTION DEVICE our United States Warfighters will achieve Battlefield Supremacy Against all foes” Department of Defense/Department of Navy, case PAX 205 by Martin Harris 7/7/23 A bold and grandiose statement from a recently declassified proposal for a radical new device. But what is this Inertial Mass […]
UFO Disclosure is getting serious now. While I have much more to say on this matter in an upcoming item, this “amnesty bill” is worth highlighting right here and now. Shades of the old MIB scenario! There is something much closer to earth than ET in the focus on “trans-medium […]
Every time there is a crisis going down, UFO coverups and revelations come to the fore. Our leaders know that these are times when people are most receptive to disinformation campaigns. Here’s what I think this is all about. Martin Harris And yes, this has even reached New Zealand Mainstream […]
More AI madness. What happens when an idiot programmer gives their creation too much freedom. Didn’t these lunatics ever read Frankenstein or watch The Terminator? MH From Jeff Wefferson: “The US Air Force tested an AI enabled drone that was tasked to destroy specific targets. A human operator had the […]
The West is seriously underestimating the risk of nuclear war, a top Vladimir Putin aide has warned. Namita Singh – The Independent May 27, 2023 Dmitry Medvedev, who is Russia’s security council deputy chairman, alleged the West was “not fully realising” the threat of nuclear war. Russia has repeatedly accused the West of […]
Please send this video to the Department of Defense (DoD). The NOAA weather satellite (goes 16 and 17) are both showing military locations of facilities, troops, and even ships / subs in the ocean! Not good. https://www.youtube.com/@dutchsinse This video is rated PG13 for slight language. I tried telling everyone in […]