President Donald Trump delivers an unforgettable speech in South Korea, extending what may be the final olive branch to Kim Jung Un’s North Korea regime 🇺🇸🇰🇷 National Assembly, Seoul, South Korea Article from Washington Post: The U.S. president directly addressed his 33-year-old nemesis in a speech to South Korea’s […]

From Jeff Wefferson: This unprecedented naval ‘war game’ in Auckland harbour brought U.S. warships for the first time in over 30 years and with them the ‘next generation’ of geo-physical/planetary weaponization technologies. The entire scenario of this quake bore an uncanny resemblance to the quakes that destroyed Christchurch in February […]

This just popped up on my MSN propaganda feed: no doubt a clearer (or murkier?) picture will emerge shortly. Up to six people have been killed in New York after a truck was driven into people using a busy bike path in New York, reports say. Police have confirmed there […]
