The infamous and enigmatic structure outlining a world depopulation agenda has apparently been the victim of some rather direct activism, resulting in it’s total destruction. Reuters reports: July 6 (Reuters) – A peculiar granite monument that some have dubbed “America’s Stonehenge” but a conservative politician condemned as “Satanic” was torn […]
New World Order
Think things are bad in your corner of the world? Watch this example of rampant totalitarianism. And who is Administrator of Tokelau ? Ross Ardern. Administrator’s Corner ( He’s Been Placed Under House Arrest For 11 Months And Counting Thanks to Liz Gunn at for bringing this to our […]
The lavish deliveries of ‘lethal aid’ from the US, UK and other NATO countries to Ukraine amid its conflict with Russia have led to marketplaces where some of those weapons can be purchased popping up on the Dark Web, RT Russian has learned. RTSat, 02 Jul 2022 19:39 UTC The […]
Russian troops were withdrawn from Ukraine’s Snake Island on Thursday, the defense ministry announced during a daily briefing. The move was described as a goodwill gesture meant to alleviate concerns over Moscow allegedly blocking attempts to haul grain out of Ukraine. – June 30, 2022 “This demonstrated to the […]
Acting on a proposal of the European Commission, the European Parliament, as expected, voted yesterday to renew the EU Digital Covid Certificate for another year. The vote was 453 for, 119 against and 19 abstentions. Robert KogonBrownstone InstituteFri, 24 Jun 2022 The certificate regulation had been scheduled to expire on June 30. […]
Since the creation of the US Federal Reserve over a century ago, every major financial market collapse has been deliberately triggered for political motives by the central bank. F. William EngdahlNew Eastern OutlookTue, 21 Jun 2022 The situation is no different today, as clearly the US Fed is acting with […]
It seems the rise of the Progressive Liberal Left is over in the US. Biden continues to plummet as people wake up, meanwhile Roe vs. Wade is overturned with inevitable protests gearing up. STILL SINKING: Biden Drops To Just 32 Percent Approval In New Civiqs Poll Fox News – June […]
Some wise and motivational words. Courage is the operative word here. Stand up, stand tall and stand for your freedom! The following is a transcript of this video. “Authoritarianism in religion and science, let alone politics, is becoming increasingly accepted, not particularly because so many people explicitly believe in it […]
Revelations are still pouring forth from the World Economic Forum! Check out this little clip. It’s all happening in 2030 it seems. From Mark Crispin Miller Thanks to Pam Vernon at EWR for the heads-up. READ AT THE LINK: News from Underground Cue the inevitable Borg reference: Martin comments: […]
Australia and NZ have had FR snuck in under the radar, it’s already in use at some major retailers. But is it legal? MH Please check out Carl Vernon’s YT channel, give the guy a Like and subscribe. awesome content! Carl Vernon160K subscribers Bestselling books and merch: Paypal tip: […]