Hard to believe this little communist nation can generate so much fuss. More manufactured diversion? One minute it’s imminent financial collapse, the next it’s imminent nuclear Armageddon. What next…? https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/world/world-leaders-condemn-north-korea-over-missile-launches/ar-AAnU70A?li=BBqdg4K&ocid=SK2MDHP A shocked international community has condemned North Korea after it launched four ballistic missiles on Monday morning, three of which […]
Normally I lump Financial Collapse alongside Nibiru and ET Disclosure: always imminent but never arrives! With personalities like Ron Paul and Cif High speaking about this, we should take heed and listen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXFJUAf9afA
From Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show https://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2017/01/30/roon-paul-a-trap-has-been-set-for-us-and-our-economy-will-collapse-on-trumps-watch/ Ron Paul feared a Clinton presidency more than anything else. But He also knows that a planned depression awaits Donald Trump and this is where we are headed. My wife’s late Uncle Bobby fought in World War II. at one Christmas […]
You will never find a better verbal explanation than this. Dutchsinse is a veteran researcher and observer who’s developed an amazing knack for earthquake forecasting. For those who may not know, HAARP is up and running after a temporary hiatus, and is just one of a whole worldwide network of […]
By G-squared. Celebrities and assorted confection can’t get their lives into even a semblance of reality. Yet they want to soapbox their dysfunctional takes on the socio-economic fabric of the world, domestic politics, and foreign policies. On any of which they have no idea whatsoever. Madonna, for one, should concentrate on […]
Rise of the machines? If the Terminator had a pet, it might look like one of these horrors. Is this the future policeman? The future soldier? Scary…..
Former President George W Bush has said an independent press is “indispensable to democracy” when asked if he agreed with Donald Trump that the media was the “enemy of the people”. The 43rd President said it was important for a free press to hold power to account, and that lecturing […]
By G-squared The once great liberal art had become the new liberal science and lifestyle of presumptive reality. The dysfunctional and disengaged can now be better identified; as their worlds are consumed by even more irrationality, and a vehement obsession to be oblivious to fact, reality, and the real […]
By Nolan Peterson It’s cold, and I’m alone. I walk along Khreshchatyk, this city’s main boulevard. The street lights cast shadows on the ground, concealing patches of slippery ice and trampled snow. I walk thoughtfully and carefully, unable to clearly see the obstacles in my path. As is so often […]